[ v i e w    t h e  i n t e r n a l    l a y o u t]

Worldtype: Bitek Habitat
Diameter: 17 km   Length: 65km
Gravity: 1.00 (on the  inner surface, rising to 1.1 at the ‘bottom’ of the starscrapers.
Atmosphere: Nitrogen,Oxygen,Carbon Dioxide
Surface Water: N/A 

Colony Type: Special  Type
Ethnicity: Mixed
Government:Controlled by Habitat personality
Population: 3.1 Million
Settlement Date:2424 A.D.

Moons:N/A (about 40 space stations)
Asteroids:3, Place for eventual ‘feeding’ to the habitat.

Tranquillity is one for the hand full of independent (Non-Edenist) Bitek Habitats that exists within the Confederation. Created by the then Crown Prince of Kulu, Michael Saldana, who abdicated from his destined position as the King. His use of Bitek and Affinity made his position untenable in the Adamists society of Kulu. It Orbits the Gas Giant Mirchusko, 587,000km above the planets upper atmosphere.

He lived out his remaining days in his habitat, struggling to maintain the research programme to investigate the ‘ruin rings’. Tranquility was built above the remains of a long dead alien civilisation that appeared to have commit mass suicide. Thus Michael , and his decedents were all known as the ‘lord of ruins’

200 years later, the habitat has become an important trading post and Blackhawk base. The Habitats single personality administers all civil services, seemingly without the over watch of a current Lord of Ruin. The Three million inhabitants are typically wealthy and cosmopolitan in outlook. As well as trade, there are many who stay to search the Laymill ruin ring for artefacts, hoping to make that big find that will net them both fame and fortune.