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This Day in Alternate History Blog
The Space Pirates
1945 It is the end of the Second World War. The dreadful destruction of the last six years ends dramatically with the detonation of two atomic bombs in Japan. Humans have tapped for the first time the power of the atom. This is fully recognised by the Allied powers. Immediately scientific teams go to work to further develop the atomic bomb. The USA, however, are keen to keep the secrets of the atomic bomb to themselves. The Trinity Team is dispensed with & the Allied scientists are dismissed. From now on only Americans will work on the American bomb. The UK, Australia, Canada & USSR protest the American decision, but to no avail. The UK & USSR immediately establish their own atomic bomb programs. Amongst the post-war activity, the German V2 missiles have been divided up between the Allies. Likewise the scientists are claimed by the various countries. In a weird game of poker, German equipment & personnel are traded like cards & tokens. Von Braun, the brilliant German rocket scientist, is taken by the USA.. He easily convinces his new masters the value of the missile in modern warfare. The other major nations come to the same conclusion. Soon everyone begins some form of research into atomic bomb armed missiles. 1946 The UK ambassador at the United Nations (UN) opens secret negotiations with Doc Evatt of Australia for an atomic bomb & missile program. Evatt also happens to be UN’s Secretary-General. Although Evatt sees his role for one of peace, he is nonetheless convinced that Australia should have the atomic bomb. This would ensure Australia would have world status akin to UK & France. Evatt recommends to the Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley to sign up for the UK weapons treaty. He furthermore argues that Australia must gain all technical data from the program so that Australia can build & maintain its own atomic weapons arsenal. The Anglo-Australian Atomic treaty is signed later in the year in Canberra Australia. Although Australia does not get everything it wanted, it can develop atomic technology for peaceful means. As part of the deal, Australia can stockpile uranium &/or plutonium. Although Arthur C. Clarke denounces atomic weapons, he becomes head of the missile program. His radical ideas about "satellites" impresses UK Prime Minister Attlee & views Clarke’s appointment as a token of good will to the "peace" camp. Several important scientists, Australia’s Mark Oliphant among them, accept jobs in the new program due to Attlee’s gesture. 1947 As atomic weapons programs get under way around the globe, President De Gaulle of France announces his concern. France, due to the Second World War, had been ravaged. Millions of her citizens had died & De Gaulle was determined that France would never endure such a fate again. He orders that France establish its own atomic program at once. The French establish their atomic test base in Algeria. Along with the atomic bomb program, the French also begin missile tests. Again, like with the other countries, German technology is used as the basis for the French missile systems. The Australian government reserves vast tracks of land in the Australian outback. Thousands of square kilometres of territory is involved making it the largest testing ground on Earth. It stretches from islands off Western Australia to the centre of South Australia. 1948 A small service centre, numbering no more than twenty people, is selected as the headquarters for the Anglo-Australian Atomic Agency. Although it keeps the name of the small town in South Australia, Woomera is quickly transformed into a secret scientific city. Laboratories, missile factories, uranium & plutonium enrichment plants, as well as houses, schools & hospitals are quickly constructed. Along with this infrastructure, the largest airport in Australia to this point is constructed to service Woomera & the upcoming tests. Soon thousands of scientists, military personnel & their families live at Woomera. It becomes the third largest city in South Australia unknown to virtually everyone. At the end of the year, the missile test site near Woomera tests its first V2 type missile. Soon the UK, Australian & their German scientists, plan for the next generation of missiles. The first plans for their missile Blue Streak are begun. 1949 A change in the Australian government brings change to the Anglo-Australian Atomic Agency. The Australians, particularly the new Prime Minister Menzies, demand equal access to all the research & more importantly the blueprints for atomic bombs. The UK refuses whereupon Menzies threatens to renounce the Anglo-Australian Atomic treaty & order the British out. The result of the negotiations that follow is that Australia will get the blueprints, but can only manufacture & stock atomic bombs during a time of war. The Anglo-Australian Atomic Agency is also reformed at UK’s demands to include other countries in the British Commonwealth. The new program becomes know as the Commonwealth of Nations Atomic Agency. Soon scientists from Canada, New Zealand & South Africa join the British & Australians at Woomera. Arthur C. Clarke is made head of the new agency. Clarke, having built up a friendship with Oliphant, appoints him as his deputy. As a result, Oliphant becomes head of the Australian contingent. 1950 First successful test of the Blue Streak missile at Woomera Nuclear Propulsion Engine (NPE) project raised by Oliphant. Belgium, Holland & Luxemburg join the French Atomic Agency 1951 The British secret service agency MI6 steals USSR atomic research & invaluable data. This information is immediately sent to Woomera. French successfully tests their first V2 type missile. 1952 Commonwealth successfully tests their first atomic bomb. 1953 Oliphant suggests to Clarke that space flight should become the agency’s main goal. This can be achieved by applying current knowledge to a missile program dedicated to peaceful space flight & not weapons. 1954 The year of the future. The Australian team at Woomera successfully launch the first "Commonwealth" space mission. This had been conducted in total secret from the rest of the Commonwealth Agency. When Clarke hears the news he nicknames the Australian contingent the "Space Pirates". The Australians are delighted with the nickname & soon have skull & cross bones patches sown onto their uniforms. The Australian Prime Minister is mightily impressed. He realises that Australia has become the third nation to enter the space race on an equal footing with the USA & USSR. Without reference to the Australian Parliament or Cabinet, let alone the UK government, he authorises millions of dollars in Budget surplus to be spent on building a fully functional space port at Woomera. Menzies phones Oliphant who welcomes the news. Oliphant, however, is starting to learn the political game & refers Menzies to Clarke. "It was all thanks to Arthur here. He certainly deserves the credit for our success" Oliphant states as he hands the telephone to Clarke. Clarke, however, gives Oliphant a dreadful look knowing he has just been drafted, without his consent, into the Space Pirates. Oliphant just smiles. "Mr Clarke", says Menzies, "I have to say an excellent
job. How did you manage to convince your people to let Mark here conduct this
space test?" Minutes later the phone rings again. When the UK government heard the news an angry UK Prime Minister Eden was not impressed & demanded answers. Oliphant was still in Clarke’s office celebrating the space port commitment & overheared the conversation... Eden bellowed into the telephone "What do you mean the
Australians did this?" "Ah Arthur", a stunned Oliphant inquired, "I’m not sure whether you should have said that. I think you’ve been out here for too long. Look, I’ll make a quick call back to Menzies - after all you may need citizenship papers & a job real quick." Thankfully Clarke was not dismissed from his job at Woomera. Menzies interceded after Oliphant’s phone call & convinced Eden of the worth of the space program. Although Australia would carry the burden of the funding, the UK agreed to cover some of the costs. The result was the Commonwealth Atomic & Space Agency. After lengthy negotiations, West Germany & Italy join the French & friends group. As part of the inclusion of the two new partners, a new agency is established called the European Atomic Aerospace Agency. The French, like the British, place restrictions on nuclear technology transfer. Only France will have the atomic bomb, while the other nations are entitled to peaceful applications of nuclear technology. 1955 The Commonwealth successfully tests their first Hydrogen bomb at Taranaki in South Australia. The weapons program has become a hot debating point within the Commonwealth group community. Many scientists oppose the weapons program. Chief among the protesters is Oliphant. 1956 The European Agency successfully tests their first atomic bomb in Algeria. Like with the Commonwealth Agency, the issue of the weapons program begins to be discussed. Again several scientists begin to question the humanity of such a program. The NPE program announced by the Commonwealth group. 1957 Commonwealth launches first basic satellite. 1958 India joins the Commonwealth Group. A second missile test site is established in northern India. 1959 A tracking station is established in northern India & linked with Australia. Missiles can now be tracked from launches in Australia to splash downs in the Indian Ocean or landings at the test base in India. As a result, the Commonwealth successfully launch a missile with a 5 000km range. The European group successfully tests its first Hydrogen bomb. Again this begins serious debate within the European group as to its future direction. 1960 Although the Cuban Missile Crisis is directly between the USSR & USA, its indirect influence is far reaching. The tension building up between the "weapons camp" & "peace camp" in both the European & Commonwealth Atomic Agencies spills over. Many scientists threaten to resign if the weapons programs are not restrained or cancelled. The UK & French governments also become alarmed at the spread of nuclear weapons. They use the opportunity, offered by the crisis, to ensure that only they will have access to nuclear weapons. Both countries withdraw the weapons programs as part of their respective Atomic Agencies. As a result, the European group becomes the European Space Agency (ESA) while the Commonwealth group becomes the Commonwealth Space Agency (CSA). Clarke, Oliphant & the others are ecstatic. Both now have the agency & program that they originally wanted - space & peaceful applications of nuclear power. Clarke heads up the CSA, while Oliphant as deputy, heads up the NPE program. While the world recovers from the Cuban Missile Crisis, CSA successfully tests its NPE. What few people know is that four previous attempts ended in disaster. If the Australian public knew at the time that NPEs were exploding only a few hours drive from Port Augusta in South Australia (although nothing like an atomic bomb), it is doubted that the program would have continued. Even fewer people knew that the fifth NPE was only successful thanks to data, stolen by MI6, from the American NPE program. 1961 MI6 once again successfully steals more data from the USA space program. Chief among this information is the manned space program. This data is immediately sent to the CSA at Woomera. 1962 CSA launches its first manned space flight. It is of a design similar to the American Gemini program. Although a few eyebrows are raised in America, no one is aware of the successful MI6 operations of the previous years. ESA successfully lunches their first probe into the outer atmosphere. 1963 CSA successfully launches their first missile powered by NPE. ESA, after their successful probe the previous year, launches their first satellite. It is a significant achievement considering the speed of the follow-up program. 1964 CSA successfully uses their NPE missile to launch a satellite. 1965 After the Russian disaster with their first NPE launch, ESA fearing environmental contamination puts their NPE program on hold. 1966 A significant achievement is made by CSA when they launch a primitive space station into low Earth orbit. It is basically an enlarged space capsule accommodating a crew of 2. There is enough space for some experiments. Crew endurance time is limited to one month. Valuable information is gathered for long term space effects & crew management. ESA announces a manned space program. 1967 Although Israel has its own basic missile program, mostly for military pursuits, it joins ESA. 1968 CSA drops all chemical missiles in favour of NPE propulsion. As part of the new orientation, an ambitious space shuttle program will be the ultimate goal. With the space competition becoming harder ESA, being a late comer, is finding it hard to keep up. They express an interest to become involved in joint projects. 1969 CSA & ESA merge to become the Commonwealth & European Space Agency (CESA). Although it is called a merger in public in private, due to CSA being more advanced with their programs, it is really a takeover. Nonetheless, ESA personnel are warmly welcomed into the various CSA projects & contribute greatly to their success. As a result of the merger, CESA announces their manned moon project. Furthermore, Clarke is happy to announce a new & much larger space station to replace the current research one. Other space agencies are invited to contribute to the space station. 1970 Japan joins CESA. 1971 CESA successfully lands Commander James Larkin (UK) & Lieutenant Michael Ryan (Aust) on the moon & returns them safely to Earth. Lieutenant Paul St Louis (Canada) piloted the command module. Later in the year, CESA accepts USA’s invitation to join their Mars mission. In another "joint venture", CESA supplies data & training to China for their first successful manned mission. 1972 CESA, using their NPE booster rockets, sends their first sections to the International Space Station (ISS). Later in the year, CESA sends the Soho probe to study the Sun & the planet Mercury. 1973 CESA successfully launches their first space shuttle. It docks with the ISS & returns to Earth. 1974 After a few years of negotiations, CESA becomes a joint member of the International Space Agency (ISA). Although each member retains its "sovereignty", the members cooperate with each other on the joint missions. Arthur C. Clarke, due to his non-political position, becomes the head of ISA after the other candidates are rejected due to either political connections or dubious histories. 1975 CESA personnel work on the joint project space ship ISA Enterprise. It is built in record time & launched at the end of the year. It successfully passes all tests. 1976 ISA Enterprise successfully completes its Mars mission. CESA personnel are among the crew. As a result of the success of the Mars mission, more Enterprise scout class ships are ordered. CESA is given the responsibility to construct the ISA Woomera. ISA Woomera is launched at the end of the year. 1977 ISA Woomera, mostly crewed by CESA personnel, heads for Saturn & successfully completes its first survey mission. 1978 While on another survey mission to the edge of the solar system, the ISA Woomera discovers a monolith that could only have been placed there by an alien civilisation. Excited by the find, the ISA Woomera collects it & returns to Earth. Little do they know of its real purpose. 1979 After investigation into the monolith, it is discovered that a signal was sent out of the solar system when it was collected by the ISA Woomera. Several countries express concern. Clarke, among others, argue that there is nothing to worry about. They claim that any advanced alien race must be peaceful. Most of the world’s leaders, however, are not convinced. As a result, they form the Earth Commonwealth (EC). Although the various space agencies remain separate, all programs are coordinated through EC. The main priority is space defence policy. Primitive warships are ordered for the defence of Earth. Even though Clarke is against this alarmist response, he nevertheless accepts the leadership of the EC. The development of the Mars colony is accelerated. CESA establish a major weapons facility on Mars. 1980 CESA personnel on Mars successfully test an Atomic Laser (AL). Although the ground test was thoroughly successful, the first ship test is a disaster. The prototype ship is destroyed in the first firing of the AL & a new ship is rapidly constructed. 1981 Although several countries around the world express concern over the militarisation of space, the main EC partners back Clarke. Ironically Clarke is in the middle. He does not support the space armament program, but has to implement them due to the insistence of USA, Russia, China & the CESA members. 1982 An alien race arrives & immediately indicates hostile intent. Earth defences are put on alert as the aliens head for Earth. Short but violent space battles occur. The Human warships & battle satellites, however, are no match for the four alien ships. The Human fleet is decimated as a result. The nuclear powers transfer control of their ICBM & SLBM arsenals to the EC. The aliens demand Earth’s surrender, which is refused. They attack the planet destroying London, Paris, Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo & Washington within a few minutes. Over 100 million humans die as a result. Clarke, like everyone, is horrified by the destruction. In an act of desperation, he orders the launch of every ICBM & SLBM that the nuclear powers have. Thousands of nuclear armed missiles attack the four alien ships. Although hundreds of missiles are destroyed before they reach their targets, the aliens are nonetheless overwhelmed. The resultant megatonnage nuclear explosions are powerful enough to destroy three of the alien ships & disable the fourth. Clarke orders every space trained soldier & volunteer into every space ship & shuttle that remains. CESA space troops are among the thousands that race towards the remaining alien ship. Their mission is to capture it. The American Space Marines go in first. The fighting is bloody & savage. Within an hour, half of the marine brigade of 2 500 become casualties. The Chinese People’s Space Army brigade soon arrives and enters the fray saving the surviving Americans. They too, however, face horrendous casualties as they take the battle to the aliens. The Russians & CESA troops are not far behind &, as the Chinese offensive begins to falter, take up the battle. They too suffer heavy casualties as the alien's superior weapons take their tool on the humans. Re-enforcements continue to pour in from Earth. The Chinese & Russians are particularly determined to take revenge on the aliens for the destruction wreaked upon their homelands. At the critical moment of the battle, the Japanese contingent of the CESA force conduct a suicidal attack on the alien lines. Although the Japanese are wiped out, the supporting units overrun the aliens & capture most of the ship. Although small exchanges continued for another day, the ship now belonged to the humans. As a result of the alien attack, the EC becomes the defacto Earth government. The United Nations is thoroughly powerless to do anything during this period. Clarke orders the space agencies, including the CESA, the go over the captured ship & discover how everything works. It is a tall order. However, some aliens have been captured along with the ship & interrogation commences. Before much can be done, however, Earth suffers one more calamity. The Great Civil War begins as the pariah nations of Libya, Iraq, Serbia & North Korea invade their neighbours. The fighting was unexpected & savage as Egypt, Croatia, & South Korea struggle to defend themselves. Kuwait is overrun in a day & Iraqi divisions continue over the border into Saudi Arabia. The United Nations demands that the fighting cease, but the offending nations ignore these demands. Clarke at the EC cannot believe the actions of these nefarious nations &, like the UN, demands a cessation to hostilities. His pleas are likewise ignored. Unfortunately Clarke has virtually no armed forces to intervene, but does have tactical nuclear weapons. These, however, prove useless as the codes & keys required for detonation were destroyed when the capitals of the nuclear powers were destroyed. The situation comes to a head when the Iraqis detonate an atomic bomb in Saudi Arabia. The target was a large Saudi army force that was beginning offensive action against the Iraqi flank. Clarke is given no alternative & requests that any nations with nuclear weapons to hand them over for use against the pariah nations. Two CESA members, Australia & Israel, hand over 10 nuclear weapons each. Now armed with operational nuclear weapons, Clarke warns the pariah nations to cease their attacks & withdraw to their borders. Once again he is ignored. After 24 hours, targets in North Korea, Iraq, Serbia & Libya are destroyed using the CESA nuclear weapons. These four countries military & political institutions collapse as a result & are quickly occupied. The Great Civil War is over. Sadly some 5 million more humans are killed due to the war. 1983 The UN recognises the EC as the legitimate Earth Government. As a result it becomes the United Commonwealth of Earth. All space & military agencies are merged. Although CESA officially ceases to exist, it becomes the foundation for the extremely successful United Earth Explorations.
Human Time Line Glossary (1945-2300)
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