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February 2009 Edition
Once More Unto
The Breach, Dear Friends In her
teens, she survived the horrors of Auschwitz; in her 20s and 30s, she
served with distinction...
TIME'S DEFENSE The meeting
of North Shore Military Academy officialdom was crowded with
politicians, military, business types, even a couple scientists...
All Along The
Watchtower The SALVADORAN
REVOLUTION(1970-72) was a civil war that erupted in El Salvador in the
late spring of 1970...
The "Hero
of Lienz" defies the Soviet
Union and risks everything - by disregarding a demand from Stalin at
the Yalta Conference, instead honouring a pledge from the British
After issuing an apology for the role played in the
abominable African slave trade, a radicalised General Synod takes
extreme action to cleanse the Church of England by
Queen Elizabeth I from Westminister Abbey.
In "Great
Betrayal" trust between members of the British
Government abrogates the principle of No Independence Before Majority
African Rule.
on Earth Part 2 Soon after the
advance parties for the first American relief convoy reached Mexico
City, it became clear that things had fallen apart...
In "Byzantium"
we wonder what if T.E. Lawrence's epic adventures in Arabia were just
What if the office of Vice-President was disbanded
because of Dick Cheney's abuse of power?
Barack Obama
Story What if Barack Obama's
father survived his 1982 car crash in Kenya?
What if David Lloyd George was re-appointed Britain's
War leader in 1940?
Office of Management
and Budget Director appointee announces the
Moth-balling of deep
underground military bases.
"Joe the Plumber"
is credit crunched after the American dream goes wrong?.
An Empire Reborn
Part 11 In light of this communist threat we must
respond so that we may protect the people of Greece from the Marxist
Washington, Banzai Part 2
Tamagura’s original sorrow over the violent showdown between the
pro-gun and anti-gun factions in his colony...
Churchill's heart attack in the White
House clears the way for the British Government to "Quit
India" in 1942
Gasping For Air
Part 3 Australian Liberal Party
leader John Howard today reiterated his controversial demand for the
expulsion of all foreign refugees...
Peace City One,
we explore a number of ideas from famous pacifists such as John
Lennon, Kurt Vonnegut and Isaac Asimov.
Imshallah Part 6 The main topic
of the Iraq Study Group’s first official report to the White House was
an analysis of...
Transition Plan, Hillary
announced a ruthless personnel change - her husband, former President
Bill Clinton is "let go".
Final Insurance What if Ted
Kennedy's brain tumour was induced by the CIA?
China Everlasting
What if China's first emperor Shih-Huang really was
Beset by terrorism, ravaged by climate change, and ruled by a
Christian military dictatorship "America
is born again". |
Oil Series
Chapter Nine
Is there a number or mark
planned for the hand or forehead in a new cashless society? YES,
and I have seen the machines that are now ready to put it into
operation. -
Ralph Nader
Chapter Ten
He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless,
still dead.
– Unknown
Chapter Eleven
"I spent 90% of my money on women and drink. The
rest I wasted."
-- George
Chapter Twelve
money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys
to teenage boys.
- P.J. O’Rourke
Chapter Thirteen
My problem
lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.
Errol Flynn
Chapter Fourteen
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money
trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free,
and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
– Hunter S. Thompson
Chapter Fifteen
The hardest
thing in the world to understand is income tax.
- Albert Einstein
Full-Court Press
Part 8 The Jerry Lucas trade
hit Oilers fans like a punch in the stomach...
Did the wickedness of British and
the former Rhodesian authorities actually prevent a teacher called
Robert Gabriel Mugabe from becoming an
angel of democracy
in southern africa?
Year of the Cat Part 5
When Fred Shero’s Rangers took the
ice at Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum for Game 1 of their Stanley Cup
How better can the recent crisis in
English cricket by summed up than by the architects mantra "form
follows function".
Year of the Cat Part 6
Madison Square Garden was packed to
the rooftop when the Jaguars came to the Big Apple for Game 3 of their
Stanley Cup semifinal... |
January 2009 Edition
Oil Series
Chapter One
Money isn't the most
important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on
the "gotta have it" scale.
Chapter Two
Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike
doing nearly everything, money is handy.
Chapter Three
It is an elementary and vital
courtesy when you are using people's own money against them that
you do it with some grace.
Chapter Four
Someday I
want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for
humanity. That's how rich I want to be.
Chapter Five
If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the
people he gave it to.
Chapter Six
Family, religion, friends...
these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in
Chapter Seven
Money won't buy happiness, but it will pay the salaries of a large
research staff to study the problem.
Chapter Eight
Money, It's a crime, Share it
fairly , But don't take a slice of my pie. Money, So they say , Is
the root of all evil today. |
An Empire Reborn Part
9 Soviet propaganda in response to the Woodstock
massacre condemns the United States...
You May Fire
When Ready Part 3 To
say all hell broke loose after the first IDF nuclear strikes on Egypt
and Syria would be an absurd understatement...
In "Out
of the Quagmire" we imagine Dick Cheney - the skeptical dove
from 1990 - is propelled into the White House pledged to withdraw
America from Iraq.
A Chacun Son Boche Part
8 When the Second
World War began in September of 1938, British troops had marched off
to battle whistling...
Red Coronation
Day in Paris What if de Gaulle's insistence on
liberating Paris his way lead to catastrophic consequences for
post-war Europe?
What if the "Second
Plot" against JFK succeeded and a guilty-looking Oswald landed
in Havana?
Murder Was The Case
Part 2
The enemies of our glorious
British Social Republic, in particular the so-called United Kingdom of
America and Canada...
With the Axis
Powers victorious in North Africa we explore the terrifying
possibility that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem oversees the Final Phase
of the Final Solution, in the Holy Land itself. And yet what if
these radically altered events still climax with "Al
Nakba" (the Catastrophe) for the Palestinian people?
I Shot The Sheriff
He was one of the most
infamous assassins in American history, and the subject of a
six-week-long pursuit...
Jail to the Chief
What if Richard
Nixon's stubborn refusal to resign was disregarded by The Watchmen
1987, Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons)?
seem to have screwed up this election. The results leave us with the
weakest influence on Congress since 1820...
A dedicated
student of warfare makes the most of his "Gap
Robison Doesn’t Buy the St.
Louis Baseball Team
Frank Robison missed the news
one day, and changed baseball history...
What if Benjamin Franklin was
successful in his appeal to the colonial delegates at the 1754 Albany
Congress to "Join or Die"
a Grand Council. Two hundred and fifty years after they sign the Plan
of Union, a new President-General is presented to them.
In "Hanoi
Horror" a bitter and mistaken President McCain wrecks his
Pitiless Fate Part 3
All hell seemed to break
loose after Stefan Panier was shot...
Blackwater Incident" raises some frightening ethical questions
for the battlefield of the future.
Full-Court Press Part
7 Whatever else one
might say about the Oilers’ first decade in Houston, one certainly
couldn’t complain it had been boring...
In "the
Business Plot Unravels" socialist America lives to regret the
overthrow of the Wall Street elite who seized power from FDR.
Comic Review |
Operation Unicorn
This newspaper has obtained exclusive information
that Irish rebel forces...
Linienscchiffkapitan Horthy was now trying to make a dash back to
the safety of Cattaro naval base...
Volume XXXIX
The commander of the German expedition to Ireland,
General Hermann von François has publicly announced that a
resounding victory over the British Army...
Volume XL
In a surprise move yesterday the commander of the
German forces in Ireland, General Hermann von François offered to
Volume XLI
Yesterday morning Pope Benedict addressing crowds
at the Vatican blatantly interfered in Irish politics by
Volume XLII
In the last three weeks action on the Somaliland
front had consisted primarily of the frustrated attempt by the
Anglo-Indian expeditionary force to... |
Bugged Part 2
Amazement and disbelief fought
for control of Marvin Drenk’s voice; the fight ended in a time-limit
An Empire Reborn Part
10 Four students are killed by the National Guard
at an antiwar demonstration at Kent State University in Ohio....
Lawn Ornaments,
we ask the question - What if the Governor General had refused to
prorogue the Canadian Parliament?
A House Divided Part 2
One year to the day after
the Southern states had commenced their boycott of the United States
In "Payback
for the Straight-shooters" Huey Long attempts to shape his own
socialist agenda by ruthlessly exploiting the 1934 Business Plot
against FDR.
In "Regime
Change" a leader's grip on power is disrupted, with unexpected
Song of Peace
What if Yitzhak Rabin survived the triple assassination attempt in Tel
Aviv and the entire system of government collapses as predicated by
the 'patsy', Yigal Amir?
Right Honourable Arnold Hiller, M.P Part 11
Like Germany, Denmark was
officially neutral in the Anglo-American war...
December 2008 Edition
Australia 2048
If you weren’t consciously searching for
it, or didn’t know where it was already, you might have walked right
past it...
Every Man a King In "Every Man a King" we explore
the unexpectedly disasterous consequences of the abolition of the
Federal Reserve...
Obituary: Erwin
Rommel, 1891-1977 Erwin Rommel, the former
Wehrmacht field marshal who defected to the Allies following the
assassination of Adolf Hitler and later served as defence minister...
Midnight at the Ambassador Hotel In "Midnight at
the Ambassador Hotel", Steve Payne, Chris Oakley & Eric Lipps wonder
what might have happened if Robert F. Kennedy had spoken out against
the treatment of the Palestinian nation by the state of Israel,
concluding that perhaps his assassin might have been radically changed
in this altered reality...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 19
"We have a problem...our number two oxygen
tank has failed." Those words put a chill in Soviet ground
Aggression Instead of a mild heart attack at the
White House, the crushing stress of the sinking of the Repulse and the
Prince of Wales kills Churchill - forcing Britain to quit India, with
positive results for the long term future of the subcontinent in our
story Naked Aggression...
Cricket In "Not Cricket" we hear the distant echoes
of empire in the tragic Mumbai bombings...
Call To Arms Part 2
BBC-TV broadcasts a second
investigative report on the charge that one of Irish prime minister
Sean Lemass’ senior cabinet members is a covert FUA sympathizer...
Turning Point In "Turning Point", we ask what if
"the catastrophe" of 1948 had been for the Jews, and Yasser Arafat
died in his lavish presidential compound at Ramallah in 2004?
Gasping For Air
Part 2 4
A Quick Business
Trip In "A Quick Business Trip" Kennedy survives
Dallas only to escalate the Vietnam War...
Enemies at the Gate
Whoever controls Berlin, it is
said, controls Europe-- and seldom was that maxim more thoroughly
tested than in the Berlin crisis...
Evil conspiracies
In "Evil conspiracies", we ask what if the Great
Crocodile PW Botha had punished his successor FW de Klerk for seizing
the Presidency, leading the Republic of South Africa on a very
different "Last Trek and New Beginning"...
Empire Reborn Part 8 After decades of faithful
service, Dino Grandi retires from public life and resigns his post as
President of Chamber of Fasci and Corporations...
Sudden Death
When former NFL running back and
Hollywood star O.J. Simpson was arrested on charges of murdering his
ex-wife Nicole...
Appoints Irish Ambassador In "Nixon Appoints Irish
Ambassador" Gerry Shannon shares a wonderful tale of hope from the
island of Ireland...
Shaken, Not Stirred
Part 3 Just over a month after
"Wolf at the Door" was first broadcast on ABC, Quinn Martin was in his
production offices overseeing final edits for...
Out of the Box In "Out of the Box" we explore the
worst fears of the UN Special Commission for Iraq (UNSCOM) from the
late 1990s...
Bases Loaded Part 2
The Polo Grounds were packed like a
sardine can on the day of the first game of the 1936 World Series...
Imshallah Part 5
March 9th, 1984 was a
day of celebration throughout the Arab world...
Year of the Cat Part 4
Those who remembered the ferocity
of the Jaguars’ clashes with the Flyers during the 1978-79 NHL regular
Volume XXXI Commodore Tyrwhitt realized raising
his binoculars again was an act of frustration in the pea soup
fog. He did so anyway. He could see nothing...
Volume XXXII The moon had set leaving the
battle field lit by flares, searchlights, tracers and a few small
fires. Mustafa Kemal was at the front line personally commanding
the attack...
Volume XXXIII The German 7th Cavalry
Division had eventually succeeded in cutting the communication
wires between First Army and the BEF HQ in Abbeville. British
signal companies were doing their best...
Volume XXXIV The Sea Lords were meeting with
Carson. Saturday afternoon Col Maurice Hankey had been assigned to
the Admiralty to provide additional insights into the Army...
Volume XXXV Government spokesmen announced late
yesterday that the British Army in Ireland had inflicted a
devastating blow to a force of Irish rebels in the vicinity of
Volume XXXVI In a shocking development
spokesmen for the Belgian government announced yesterday that a
German artillery barrage had seriously wounded their beloved Queen
Elisabeth Wednesday... |
O Untimely Death
When the Soviet Union collapsed in
late 1991, the collapse stirred a glimmer of hope that the threat of
global nuclear war...
Dollar In "Honest Dollar", a fifty-year old plot to
destroy American's freedom is foiled in Dallas.
Full-Court Press Part 6 As Wes
Unseld adjusted to the rhythms of the Houston Oilers’ offense, he and
Willie Naulls would become a formidable scoring tandem...
October/November 2008 Edition
Defending Texas from Oklahoma George W. Bush dies a
heroes death fighting World War Three in Defending Texas from Oklahoma...
Aux Etoiles! For most of the first
fifteen years of the history of space exploration, manned space travel was
the exclusive province of...
Alternate Elections I’m sure many of the people who
frequent this site are familiar with the anthology Alternate Presidents,
which depicts a number of people becoming President of the United States...
Gasping For Air The Vietnamese
national health ministry reported today that two fishermen were admitted to
a Haiphong hospital early this morning...
An Empire Reborn Part 7 May 6th 1968 School
shutdowns spread throughout France with High School students now
participating in the protests...
Imshallah Part 4 The Arab campaign to
win control of metropolitan Tehran may have been the most important military
engagement around a national capital since...
Full-Court Press Part 5 On the eve of
the start of his second season as Oilers head coach, Tom Marshall held a
team meeting... |
Down to the Last Cartridge Margaret Thatcher carries out
her angry threat at the 1979 Lusaka Conference to return to London 'tonight'
in Down to the Last Cartridge...
And The Lion Shall Lie Down With The Lamb
It was a short but catastrophic war that touched
all of Asia and left much of it forever uninhabitable...
Dropping in to Darfur John McCain takes up the Blackwater
CEO suggestion to drop a brigade of private security contractors into Darfur...
Year of the Cat Part 3
Vancouver head coach Harry Neale wasn’t looking forward to the Canucks’
first-round series with Jacksonville...
Necklaced What if an evil worse than apartheid triumphed
in South Africa? Read Necklaced...
Party of War The Party of War neo-conservatives topple
Saddam in 1991, but they find Kim Il Jong a tougher nut to crack in 2003...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 18
While the budding Cold War between the United
States and the Soviet Union may have given added incentive for rocket
science... |
Operation Unicorn
Volume XXV Therefore it is hereby proclaimed that it
is Our official policy to effect a restructuring of nation which will
give the Slavic peoples of our realm a status equal...
Volume XXVI The Archduke had now committed his
cavalry corps. Like the German cavalry corps there was a component of
motorized heavy artillery...
Volume XXVII Emperor Iyasu V and Ras Mikael received
two unusual petitioners. With his usual tact Iyasu got straight to the
Volume XXVIII There had been heavy rain starting in
the late afternoon. General Birdwood’s arrival was delayed by his staff
car getting stuck in the mud...
Volume XXIX The French artillery commenced fire.
Supplementing the large number of 75s were some heavier pieces. Some of
these heavier weapons were obsolete relics...
Volume XXX What was left of 2 Ottoman rifle companies
plus a few stragglers from other outfits were trying to cross the
bridge. Indian soldiers now made another assault... |
September 2008 Edition
Vanishing Act For more than two
centuries, mariners have been haunted by the disappearance of the British
man-of-war HMS Bounty...
A French Industrial Revolution
By and large, the tendency in the historiography
(particularly the sort represented by Walter Russell Mead's recent...
Call To Arms Eamon de Valera, prime
minister of Ireland since the modern Irish Free State was founded in 1922...
An Empire Reborn Part 6 The United Kingdom
closes military bases in Malaysia and Singapore in order to concentrate more
military forces against...
Pitiless Fate Part 2 It was just
after 12 noon Berlin time on December 8th when German chancellor
Georg Michaelis was informed of the mutiny...
Death of the Goat On 26 March 1945 Britain's first
Socialist Prime Minister, David Lloyd George died in Ty Newydd, Llanystumdwy.
He was eighty-two years old...
You May Fire When Ready Part 2 As
soon as it was officially confirmed that Arab ground and air forces had
attacked Israel...
Year of the Cat Part 2 Jacksonville
Memorial Coliseum was standing room only when the Jaguars took the ice on...
Murder Was The Case To understand the
world-historical chain of events which eventually led to the downfall of the
tyrannical monarchy that once oppressed the English peoples, it is important
to recall...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 17
The respective approaches taken by the United
States and the Soviet Union towards the quest to put a human being in
Few When the United States
declared war on Kaiser Wilhelm’s Germany in Germany in April of 1917, many
of the men sent...
An Empire Reborn Part 5 In response to the
ongoing blockades of Swaziland and Lesotho, Great Britain has ordered the
Royal Navy to establish a counter-blockade...
Not One Step Back Had a wiser man
than Prince Charles Edward Stuart been in command of the 1745 Jacobite
Walking a straight line in a crooked world On August 4th
1961 future world statesman Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Honolulu,
If They Mean To Have A War Of all the
mistakes Adolf Hitler made during the Second World War, perhaps his most
What Hath God Wrought The year 1789
witnessed three of the most significant events in the history of the Western
Imshallah Part 3 The suicide squads’
failure to turn the tide of the Iran-Iraq war back in Tehran’s favor...
Full-Court Press Part 4 As anyone
who’d been following the Oilers’ tenure in Houston since 1957 could have
told him...
Scarface He shook up the sports world
as few men had before him or would after him. He was loved by millions of
Bases Loaded William Randolph Hearst
originally got his start in the American business world selling
A Chacun Son Boche Part 7 The loss of
Warsaw was a bitter pill for the Polish people and their government to
Operation Unicorn
Volume XIX Soon after hearing of the great naval
victory General von Falkenhayn proceeded directly to Berlin demanding to
see Field Marshal von Moltke...
Volume XX Oberstleutnant Max Bauer entered Tirpitz’s
office. They quickly shook hands. Bauer was the artillery expert of the
German General Staff...
Volume XXI General Otto von Below, commander of the
Eighth Army reviewed the previous day’s intelligence with trepidation...
Volume XXII Feldmarschal von Moltke hung up the
telephone. He surprised General von François with a grin, "Conrad has
agreed to Operation Whisper...
Volume XXIII The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, George
Curzon, has announced the arrest of 3 Irish radical socialists, who were
plotting to launch an armed insurrection...
Volume XXIV While their officers were French, very
few of enlisted men huddled in the trenches were not. A little more than
half were Somalis... |
Office In Tatters To call this a dark
hour in our nation’s history hardly even pretends to scratch the surface of
the disgrace ...
Reviews: Battlefield Cuba
The wait is finally over--Battlefield Cuba,
the long-anticipated second chapter of Colossus Games’ Cold War...
One Day On Mars
Book Review
Starship Troopers 3
Movie Review
Final Season
Dr Who Review
Sidewise, Side Foolish IV
The 5 Best and 5 Worst AH
Authors Chris Oakley Has Ever Read
August 2008 Edition
On The Air In the fall of 1938, as
Europe teetered on the brink of war, a full-fledged blood feud was already
underway between two...
Been Winning So Long, I've Lost It So we are a
schizophrenic culture of sorts, a nation of amateurs that can almost
magically transform itself into a culture of professional killers...
O Tempora, O Mores Come September of
2008, six decades will have passed since Lance Sharkey’s dream of a
Communist Australia died in a torrent of gunfire outside Parliament House...
An Empire Reborn Part 4 Conservatives sweep the elections
in Britain as voters reject the Labour party for their mishandling of the
situation in Africa. Edward Heath, the new Prime Minister calls for...
You May Fire When Ready
In the aftermath of their defeat in the 1967
Six-Day War against Israel, the Arab nations sought new ways of taking the
battle to the Jewish state...
Shaken, Not Stirred Part 2
Diana Rigg seemed to have
been tailor-made for the role of Tanya Onatova. The British actress radiated
a cool sensuality that perfectly fit the attractive...
From Allegheny To Flatbush To Hollywood
When J.P. Morgan founded the American League in
1882, he had intended that Pittsburgh should be home to one of the new
Hitting Back: The Autobiography
Book Review
The Man With The Iron Heart
Book Review
Sidewise, Side Foolish III
The 5 Best and 5 Worst AH Premises
Chris Oakley Has
Ever Read
Operation Unicorn
Volume XI The reports from XII Corps were not good but
General Brusilov tried to comfort himself with the notion that they could be
worse. After a sluggish start the Austrian pursuit had become more
determined in the afternoon...
Volume XII Continuing its successful Picardy offensive
the British Second Army captured the important town of Crecy yesterday
afternoon. It appears that Second Army has achieved a clean breakthrough of
the formidable German line of fortifications...
Volume XIII Together with Oberst Hell, his chief of
staff, the new commander of Center army, General Alexander von Linsingen
went over the plans for attack on the Russian Eleventh Army and the capture
of Lemberg...
Volume XIV The German Under Secretary of State, Arthur
Zimmerman, signed the secret treaty. Then Sir Roger Casement did likewise.
Under its terms the Irish prisoners of war who voluntarily joined the
Brigade would be equipped and provisioned by the German Army...
Volume XV The First Lord was meeting with the Admiralty
War Group. The first topic of discussion was the sinking of the AMC, HMS
Hilary off the Faeroes, which had occurred yesterday afternoon...
Volume XVI Upon learning of Spee’s wireless message from
Sayville, Admiral von Tirpitz had insisted that Admiral Bachman call an
emergency meeting of the Admiralstab. Admirals von Ingenohl and Hipper were
summoned to the meeting...
Volume XVII It was a cold winter morning. General Bruno
von Mudra observed the assault by 33rd Infantry Division from the
top of the butte at Vauquois. The German XVII Army Corps had seized this
important high ground back in September...
Volume XVIII The chief engineer shook his head
vigorously, "We can manage 14 knots maximum for any continued time, admiral.
Maybe 15 knots for a short period if there is a battle." Spee’s melancholia
increased another notch... |
July 2008 Edition
ENGLAND INVADED A reader of modern history, at
least as it has been written in English, finds France the perennial
runner-up to Britain in the contest for global supremacy...
Imshallah Part 2
Within hours after Sadat’s death, his top
military aide, Hosni Mubarak, had been officially confirmed as his successor
and assured his fellow Arab heads of state that...
An Empire Reborn Part 3 The British government demands
that Portugal and South Africa close their borders with Rhodesia. The
British representative to the UN requests that all member nations
immediately cut relations with the rogue nation of Rhodesia...
Once upon a time (the mid-1960s, to be
more precise), in a picturesque little West Coast farming village known as
Los Angeles, a man named Marvin Aloysius Drenk...
Day of the Machines Part 2 By this stage, in the struggle
with Deep Blue, only a handful of supercomputers and mainframes remained
under Human control. These had escaped Deep Blue only because they had no
links with the outside world...
Full-Court Press Part 2 Game 1 of the
1962 NBA Western Division semifinals saw the largest crowd that had yet
filled Sam Houston Coliseum for an NBA playoff game...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 16
Though pop culture in general-- and the movie
industry in particular --have sometimes tended to exaggerate the jet’s role
in the final Allied victory in Europe...
Year of the Cat One doesn’t generally
think of southern Florida as a hockey hotbed. And in fact, when in February
of 1966 the National Hockey League named Jacksonville as one of a dozen
cities that...
We Will Fight Them On The Beaches Part 2 In early
September of 1813 President Madison hatched what would prove his boldest
plan yet for the special militias of the US Army...
Doctor Who:
Donna’s World
TV Series
Squadron Supreme (V.2) #1
Comic Review
Washington, Banzai! On the surface,
the very idea sounds like something Harry Turtledove might have conceived on
an acid high after watching an all-night anime marathon: Japanese
mercenaries, or ronin...
Cassville 1864 By 1864 the American Civil War had entered
its third year. Events in the East had been dramatic, to say the least, and
had henceforth dominated the headlines of newspapers across both the Union
and the Confederacy...
Cold Discomfort
From the October 16th, 1994
Boston Globe, page A7:
Oxford Scientists Report Signs Of
Possible Shift In Earth’s Magnetic Poles
Troy victorious King Priamus stood surrounded by a small
crowd of royal bodyguards and dignitaries in front of the great wooden
horse. Around the astonishing contraption a great circle of curious,
vociferous citizens and silent, businesslike soldiers was...
Comrade Hitler Part 10 The news of
the Soviet invasion of Manchuria and northern Korea hit the Japanese public
like a kick to the solar plexus. The Japanese had been victorious in battle
so often...
The Requiem of Blood Australia, by the summer of 1980/81,
had seen five tumultuous years. Since The Upheaval, of 1975,
Australia had suffered greatly. Not only were thousands locked up in
prisons, around the country, but the economy had suffered as well...
Pitiless Fate In his 2005 book
100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, American political/social
commentator and former CBS News correspondent Bernard Goldberg sums up a
Full-Court Press Part 3 As the Oilers
geared up for the start of the 1962-63 NBA season, all the stars seemed to
be aligned in favor of their repeating as NBA champions...
Moment of Truth in Iraq
Book Review
The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1
Comic Review
Book Review |
Volume I Admiral Franz von Hipper was thinking about the
defenses of Heligoland Bight for which he was responsible. Suddenly a
thought entered his mind. The sandbar at the mouth of the Jade Bay could
only be safely crossed by the German capital ships near high tide...
Volume II General Joseph Joffre’s reputation for
imperturbability was being sorely tested. The latest news emanating from
General Maunoury was most discouraging. The 62nd Reserve Division
had failed in its attempt to cross the Oise and IV Corps was unable to
bridge the Aisne...
Volume III It had been a long, long night. Overall the
attack of IV Reserve Corps appeared to be progressing well, but as usual in
this war reports had been fragmentary, frequently delayed and sometimes
downright contradictory...
Volume IV "General French, I must ask you one more time
to reconsider your orders. I feel it is my obligation as a British officer
to make clear my reservations."
Volume V The French Tenth and Second Armies have already
begun a series of night attacks on the German Sixth and Seventh Armies. At
0700 we begin with attacks by both divisions of III Army Corps into Crecy
Forest and by 5th Division to the north of St. Riquier...
Volume VI The main batteries of the four predreadnought
battleships of First Division Fifth Battle Squadron commenced firing
simultaneously. On the compass platform of the HMS Prince of Wales
Admiral Cecil Burney, the commander of Channel Fleet, observed the
Volume VII A second star shell illuminated the sky with
its preternatural brilliance. Three small coasters carrying urgently needed
supplies were trying to reach the harbor at Calais now that the moon had
set. Escorting them were eight elderly destroyers of the Dover Patrol...
Volume VIII Admiral Jackie Fisher tried to suppress a
yawn but failed. He was not as young as he used to be and he had never been
a night person. Arriving at the office very early was much more his style...
Volume IX Admiral Frederich von Ingenohl, commander of
the High Seas Fleet, was meeting with Admiral von Hipper, and the three
commanders of the battle squadrons...
Volume X Wolves howled in the distance. A cold piercing
wind blew through the trees. Moonlight poked ominously though a gap in the
clouds improving visibility just enough to spawn strange dark shadows... |
June 2008 Edition
An Empire Reborn Part 1 January 27th 1965
Looking over the map he surveyed the empire, his new empire. Just a few
hours before he spoke to the Italian people on his new role as Consul,
assuring them that he was in no way replacing their great leader he was
merely continuing in his tradition. But, things would be changing. Il Duce
only saw soldiers when he looked over these very maps, the only value a
province had was how many men could be put in uniform...
Movie Reviews: Gagarin Without a
doubt, the sudden death of Soviet air force major Yuri Gagarin in the Vostok
1 spacecraft tragedy forty years ago was one of the terrible calamities in
the history of human exploration. What began as a moment of triumph for the
Soviet Union when it attempted to put the first man in space turned into a
moment of horror when Gagarin’s capsule exploded just eight minutes after
Emperor Franz Ferdinand I
His Imperial Majesty Franz Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria and King of
Hungary, lies in state as dignitaries from around the world, including
Vice-President Earl Warren of the United States, pay their respects. The
Emperor passed away in his sleep three days ago at the age of 83...
Day of the Machines Part 1 Whilst the Human race busied
themselves with life around them, everyday things had taken over from the
larger issues at hand. Issues such as the ethics of science, or where was
the Human race headed had, by the 1990s, all but disappeared from the minds
of most people. Even in academia, what with the influence of the Positivist
movement, questions which were...
An Empire Reborn Part 2 April 17th 1965 An
anti-war march in Washington D.C. attracts over 20,000 protesters. A
counter-protest organized by a local Fascist organization attracts roughly
2,000. No violence is reported...
The Common Cold Part 3 Looking back it’s been a damn
strange year. Stanley Baldwin out on his ear after making a dreadful mess of
the election, Austen effectively defecting back to the party of his youth,
Labour marching backwards almost as fast as they’d surged forwards and all
the time Asquith and The Goat keep skating their minority government along
the rails...
Behind the Curtain By the time this
gets posted, it will have been about three years since I made my first
submission to Changing The Times; in those three years I’ve had a lot
of fun exploring all kinds of historical possibilities. But out of all the
articles I’ve sent to CTT, the one I’m most proud of is the
eight-part series Sic Semper Tyrannis Germaniae...
Boys: Good For The Soul
Review |
Memoriam: George Herman "Babe" Ruth
George Herman "Babe" Ruth, the
baseball outfielder whose phenomenal slugging talent and larger-than-life
personality made him one of the Yankees’ first bona fide superstars of the
television era, died last night at the age of 53 of throat cancer at
Columbia University Hospital. According to a Yankees team spokesman, Ruth’s
family was by his side at the time of his death; a public memorial service
is scheduled for Thursday...
In the Shadow of Gethsemane: Remember, Remember, Part 2
The dramatic events on 11th November 1975, that
being the sacking of the Whitlam Government by the Governor-General Sir John
Kerr, was dwarfed within minutes by the assassination of the said dismissed
Australian Prime Minister. Even though it has never been proven, one way or
the other, that Whitlam’s death was deliberately planned, it did ensure that
The Upheaval got under way with serious intention...
House Divided Part 1 From its
earliest days as an independent nation, America had long been troubled by
the moral, social, and political ramifications of slavery in its southern
states. No less a figure than the second President of the United States,
Thomas Jefferson, the very man who incorporated the phrase "all men are
created equal" in the Declaration of Independence, had to grapple with these
problems throughout his political career...
Hancock 1862 - Sequel to Action Jackson 1862 Thomas
Jackson had done it again. The Union army was beaten fairly and squarely.
Robert E. Lee’s strategy had once again been proven victorious by sending
Jackson’s "Foot Cavalry" on a wide outflanking march, around John Pope’s
Union Army of Virginia, and had, along with Longstreet’s attack, annihilated
it more or less entirely...
The Cienfuegos Meteor Crater Rarely,
if ever, does a vacationer to Cuba end their trip without at least once
standing on the rim of the Cienfuegos crater, known to local residents as
simply "the crater" or (if you’re feeling a little more imaginative) "the
cauldron". Formed by a meteor impact millions of years ago...
Bob Thomas was in a meeting room, drab, heavy smell of
tobacco smoke. Three men in military uniforms, and one in a suit were
sitting at the table. Two guards in military uniforms were standing by the
door. Mr. Thomas, why didn't you come to us first? Bob Thomas was still
groggy. Mr. Thomas!. Stirring himself, he answered...
Sidewise, Side Foolish II
Chris Oakley rates the 10 best
& 10 worst Short Stories
He's ever read
May 2008 Edition
No Second Alamein Winston Churchill is a most complex historical
figure. On one hand he is the man who kept Britain in the war for a year and
a half [June 40 – Dec 41] when by all rights the UK had no way to win and
could have best served its interests by doing a deal with Hitler. On the
other hand he was a disaster as a warlord....
Obituaries: Sergei Kirov, 77
Sergei Kirov, the onetime mayor of Leningrad who survived an assassination
attempt on his life orchestrated by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, then
ousted Stalin as leader of the Soviet Union in a coup supported by elements
of the Red Army and later changed the face of Russian society and politics
after the Second World War...
East Timor ISOT to 1937 No one could explain it. Everyone who was in
East Timor, at the time, all of a sudden woke up the next morning and their
world had drastically changed. It was no longer 2008, but 1937. The world
had not suffered the Second World War, yet, nor had the Soviet Union arisen
to become a Superpower...
Smoke On The Potomac: The Untold Story Behind The Watergate Hotel Fire
More than three decades have passed
since the Watergate luxury hotel and office complex was gutted by a massive
fire that left many of its residents dead and cost the Democratic Party
thousands of pages of important files which might otherwise have helped it
take back the White House from Richard Nixon...
Action Jackson 1862 Much has been said, over the years, deriding the
abilities of Union general George McClellan. It is true that he was slow. It
is true that he constantly bickered with US President Lincoln. But it is
also true that President Lincoln and Secretary of Defence Edwin Stanton,
with their constant interfering with McClellan’s plans, only ensured
Side Foolish
Chris Oakley rates the 10 best
& 10 worst AH books
He's ever read |
Bear-Hunting For most of the 1985
NFL regular season the Chicago Bears seemed like destiny’s darlings, getting
off to a torrid start and finishing as the first 16-0 team in NFL history;
their performance in the NFC playoffs only served to reinforce the
impression that they were fated to finish the year as Super Bowl
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 41
Upon discovering the body of Mussolini, the contingency plan for the
situation immediately goes into effect. The Emperor, the Grand Council and
the Comando Supremo are notified and martial law is declared immediately.
All military assets of the Empire are put on alert...
Just A Few More Questions, Mr. Menzies
One of the most contentious chapters in
Australia’s modern history is the legal clash that raged in the early 1950s
between the Tasmanian state attorney general’s office and the administration
of Australian prime minister Robert G. Menzies over the legitimacy of the
June 1950 anti-Marxist amendment to Australia’s constitution...
The Religious Football World Cup Hello and welcome to our TV
broadcast of the final to the World Cup. I’m Peter Sterling. With me, as
always, is Ray "Rabs" Warren and Paul "Fatty" Vautin. Yes, thank you Peter.
This is going to be one fantastic match here today. It will certainly answer
those all questions asked so far this season...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth
Part 15
Wounded predators can be very dangerous when cornered, and in the spring
of 1942 this was certainly true where the Imperial Japanese Navy was
concerned. Despite having sustained a hideous defeat at Pearl Harbor Japan
still retained at least two front- line carriers...
Ms Holmes of Baker Street
Review |
April 2008 Edition
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 39
April 14th 1963 9:30 AM Local Time The Italians
continue to slowly push the Israelis back. Egyptian forces have almost
completely regrouped and are adding their numerical weight to the
Hell on Earth Natural disasters can,
and often do, change the course of history; from the meteor said to have
wiped out the dinosaurs almost 75 million years ago to the ravages Hurricane
Katrina inflicted on New Orleans in 2005, there are countless examples of
how such disasters can transform the world...
Full-Court Press When one thinks of
Texas in relation to sports, the most common images that spring to mind are
those of rough-and-tumble rodeo riders clinging to the backs of bucking
broncos; high school football players dedicating themselves to their game
with a zeal bordering on religious fervor...
Shaken, Not Stirred There could
hardly have been a more unlikely combination for success in prime-time TV
than James Bond, the ultra-suave British intelligence agent created by Ian
Fleming, and Quinn Martin, the American television producer who made his
mark in the entertainment world by creating gritty, rough-and-tumble crime
A Chacun Son Boche Part 6 The lights
burned late in 10 Downing Street during the last two weeks of March 1939,
and not just because of the need to prepare for an assault on the Italian
mainland-- Winston Churchill was gravely troubled by the situation in
(Tom Kratman)
The Authority: Prime
Review |
Ghosts of Fremantle In retrospect, it
seems in a macabre way fitting that the first Australian political leader to
die at an assassin’s hands should do so in a decade when assassinations of
public figures were rife. When Robert Menzies was gunned down on...
Imshallah Without question the
Iran-Iraq War was one of the most violent regional conflicts of the late
20th century. It cost thousands of lives, toppled one government and put
many others in jeopardy, menaced the global economy, and set the stage for
the subsequent Persian Gulf War between the United States and Iraq...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 40
Mussolini placates the Arab nations concerns about the
Israeli peace treaty telling them that a limited victory was the only way to
prevent outside intervention. Over the years, the Lira Block will be able to
pick away at Israel piecemeal through a series of wars and incidents and
will effectively element the Israeli state without the rest of the world
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 14
By the time the Taranto jet strike took place,
Soviet-German relations had already begun their final irrevocable decline
into outright war. A week before the British carrier raid, RAF bombers had
struck Berlin in the middle of delicate negotiations between Soviet foreign
minister Vycheslav Molotov and his German opposite number...
(Jeff Head)
Simpsons Movie
March 2008 Edition
The Oliver Cromwell House Welcome,
and thank you for visiting the Oliver Cromwell House. Whether you’re coming
here for the first time, or you’re a frequent patron of this museum making a
return trip, we hope you’ll enjoy your tour...
The Undecided Peace Midnight, September 25th,
1918: Kaiser Wilhelm II steps down from the throne of the German Empire, and
his son Wilhelm III takes his places. Even before Wilhelm III is officially
coroneted, his representatives approach...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 36
April 20th 1961 The Italians have no time to
celebrate their political victory over the U.S. as reports begin coming in
that a cabal of French generals are planning to launch a coup against the De
Gaulle government...
Mint Condition The funny thing is, I
wasn’t even really looking for the card when I found it in my attic. It just
jumped out at me when I was trying to get hold of something else. I was
looking for the owner’s manual to my...
Silent Thunder: The Russia-EU War of 2008 February 2008 –
Kosovo declares independence from Serbia, much to the Serbs outrage and that
of their Russian allies. The Russians do not move at once to take action –
they have no choice, but to do something...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 37
January 24th 1962 The Organization of the Secret
Army (OAS) conducts a bombing against the French Foreign Ministry...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 13
For Adolf Hitler, the launch of der Reisende
was one of the most exciting moments of his life; as the A-6 rocket
carrying the experimental satellite climbed ever higher into the Baltic
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 38
December 27th 1962 The
first Imperial divisions begin arriving in Egypt. General Amedeo Guillet is
called from Italian East Africa promoted to Field Marshall and will serve as
Supreme Commander of the operation...
Comrade Hitler Part 9 The first air
raid sirens sounded in Warsaw just after 8:30 AM local time on the morning
of March 3rd, 1939; by 9:00 AM fighters at the Polish capital’s
main air defense base had been scrambled to intercept...
Influx (JC
Book Review
Extinction Event
Chapter 29 For all his protests, it is the sad fact of
Man that he cannot choose his triumph.
Have to admit – I’ve always wanted to go to Six Flags...
Chapter 30 Upon our children - how they are taught -
rests the fate - or fortune - of tomorrow's world.
Are we there yet?
Chapter 31There is science, logic, reason; there is
thought verified by experience. And then there is California.
That wasn’t funny the first time you said that...
Chapter 32 Humanity has advanced, when it has
advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but
because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.
We’ve decided to drop a nuclear bomb on the CERN facility…
Epilogue Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
Lucien cleared his throat and took a sip of water from the glass in
front of him. He turned his gaze back towards the camera...
Four Horsemen
Prologue Life. The most valuable commodity
in the universe is also its most vulnerable...
Chapter One The Seven Years had come &
gone. In the early Twenty-First Century great destruction had visited
the Earth...
Chapter Two The discovery, & introduction
into the galactic community, had two inevitable major ramifications for
the Human race...
Chapter Three The EC James Cook
continued with its successful escape from Babylon space...
Chapter Four David Gideon brought the
meeting to attention. This had been the latest...
Final Chapter The thirty souls watched the
holographic images in silent horror...
Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe
Book Review |
February 2008 Edition
You Stand Accused The 1948 September
Revolt shook Australia to its political and social foundations. Though the
Lance Sharkey-masterminded uprising didn’t accomplish its intended aim of
overthrowing then-prime minister...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 33
January 12th 1960 12:15 PM An unconscious
Mussolini arrives in the nearest hospital and a team of doctors begin
examining and working on him...
A Chacun Son Boche Part 5 Adolf
Hitler formally assumed the chancellorship of Germany on January 25th,
1933 amidst pervasive speculation about whether the self-styled
revolutionary could successfully..
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 34
January 20th 1960 Count Ciano arrives in
Washington D.C. he requests a meeting President Eisenhower and is given an
appointment for the 22nd...
Jambo Olympus! It started as a dream
in the mind of a teenager watching the 2010 World Cup, grew into a rallying
cry for the people of Jo’burg, and finally became the coming of age for
post-apartheid South Africa...
Boys: Glorious Five Year Plan
Good Fight
The Invasion of 1910
World War Hulk
Deutsch America My Dear Adolph, I was of course
fascinated and proud to hear that you have been accepted as a Colonial
Administrator in the German Congo...
We Will Fight Them On The Beaches
Contrary to popular belief, the notion of asymmetrical warfare is not a
uniquely 21st century concept of even a uniquely American one.
Indeed, in one form or another it has existed...
THE HISTORIC MOMENT To all our viewers, ladies,
gentlemen, and AIs, welcome to NewsNet's coverage of this historic
occasion. Our advisors say we have about half an hour before...
Target Damascus Final Part
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration, or at least not very much of one, to
suggest that all of America was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as the
American public waited on the morning of November 9th ...
The Londonistan Guardsman We
all love to read novels. Great novels. Best-selling novels. I have talked a
lot about such novels in the past, for example the classic Extinction
Event by Bruno Lombardi and the amazing...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 12
With its navy crippled and its army increasingly
on the defensive, Germany’s last hope for turning the course of World War I
back in its favor rested with...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 35
June 8th 1960 Medici is recalled from his post as
Viceroy following his appointment as Minister of Industry. The new Viceroy
of Greece is Prince Amedeo...
1862 (Robert
X-Men: Storm)
Review |
Alison Brooks Collection
A new scene for The Empire Strikes Back
There's going to be an extra scene included in the DVD
release of Empire Strikes Back coming up next year...
Alternative authors' versions of
Lord of the Rings One of the cult
novels of the 1970s turned out to be Lord of the Rings...
An evil British empire The suggestion has been raised as
to how an Evil British Empire (TM) could arise. To cover this, I've made a
number of assumptions...
Emperor Norton the Peacemaker During the ACW, Emperor
Norton felt it his duty to try and bring North and South to a peaceful
Review of the alternate history: The Falklands War
The bandwagon of AH rolls on. We have seen the books on WW2,
and the Korean War...
The Eagle and the Lion There are many timelines which
take as their premise British intervention in the ACW. These usually go
along the lines of...
The Original Alien Space Bats - Irony and Steal Being
parody of a number of published What-Ifs and ideas floated on the
What If Harold won at Hastings? This was an ambitious
attempt to plot the history of the world, or at least those parts touched by
the Europeans...
What If "Emperor" Norton became President of the USA? In
1876, the US had a fairly close Presidential election between Hayes and
Who were the bad guys in Star Wars' original trilogy?
They call it The Force, you know, like it's supposed to be used for
domination and hurting people...
Why Sealion is not an option for Hitler to win the war
One of the more common suggestions that crop up at all-too regular intervals
goes along the lines of... |
January 2008 Edition
The Fuhrer In The Dock It was the trial of the century.
Everyone wanted to be there. Notables such as Winston Churchill, a noted
anticommunist, rubbed shoulders with Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov,
Stalin’s foreign minister...
A Japanese Destroyer In The Sea Of Time We will assume
that the destroyer arrives a week before Midway and that the crew has no
difficulty in figuring out WTF is going on...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 11
Samuel Langley never forgave the Wrights for
beating him to the punch on inventing a practical all-metal monoplane; it
was a huge blow to his pride that those ‘upstart amateurs’, as he thought of
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 32
August 4th 1958 The first production run for the
R-2 Diane Ballistic missiles begins. The Comando Supremo has ordered 60
missiles of which 40 will be fitted with a nuclear warhead...
Comrade Hitler Part 8 The tables had
definitely turned in the war in Europe; while the previously successful
Germans now found themselves in dire straits, their Soviet allies, who
heretofore had been...
of Roses
Book Review
Making Money
Book Review
Book Review
The Sling and the Stone
Book Review
Epitaph For A Planet
During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the human
race was devastated by the most lethal plague in recorded history,
respiratory disintegration syndrome (also known as "Morgan’s disease" or
"the Rome virus")...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 31
March 15th 1958 Colonial and Greek army positions
are overrun as the Unification Day offensive continues to sweep through
Predictions For The Coming Century Breaking out my clear
polyurethane fortune-telling ball obtained from a mystic gift shop outside
Barstow, I'm making a few bold predictions for the coming years...
Target Damascus Part 17 The students
occupying the Berkley administration buildings were just as adamant in their
insistence on continuing their occupation of those buildings as Governor
Reagan was in his demand...
Aldershot and Elizabeth The reign of Queen
Elizabeth I was barely a year old when a strange event, believed by some to
be the work of God or the Devil, brought a strange town into existence only
25 miles from London...
and the President of Azerbaijan
Love My Rifle
More Than You
Book Review
Book Review
Ultimate Power
Comic Review
December 2007 Edition
The Six Year War The Six-Year War,
a book written in 2006 by Harry Nosirrah, is one of the fundamentally
unlikely counterfactual history books that have recently been written...
A Chacun Son Boche Part 4 Benito
Mussolini was one of the first men in continental Europe to grasp the stark
truth that the turmoil following the First World War...
The Key West-Havana Tunnel The drive south from
Miami is a crowded one. Whether you make it in a minivan, sports car, or a
Ford-built Ferrari, the traffic is what sticks in your mind...
Cabot discovers Virginia, American nation 100 years early Volume I
John Cabot had early suspicions about his men. The
first voyage, he’d explored Newfoundland’s coast and down into present-day
Massachusetts, and it got very cold...
Comrade Hitler Part 7 Oddly enough,
the first shots in the war between the German Peole’s Republic and the
French Republic wouldn’t even be fired on French or German soil...
Cabot discovers Virginia, American nation 100 years early Volume II
Britain gained a great deal from Spain - all of Mexico,
in fact. It provided a link with their colony of Belize. They tried to
insist on Gibraltar, too...
The Right Honourable Arnold Hiller, M.P Part 10
The USS Moffett was only the first
casualty in what promised to be a...
Beyond Space Series
Part One: From Here to Eternity The dining
room was crowded. He spotted a rare table with an empty seat and headed
for it...
Part Two: In the Dark This hearing is called
to order. The chief hearing officer is Agron Ndama of the Federation
Security Office, assisted by Dr. Lowell Tyler of the University...
Part Three: As Cold As It Gets Helmut and
Pretty gazed out on a strange landscape. The sky held no stars, no
moons, no planets... |
The Dodgers Had Stayed In Brooklyn Series
Volume I "Did You See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball?"
Those were the words of the song, as the Dodgers’ sym-phony band played
in the streets of Brooklyn...
Volume II The Pacific Coast League teams had
been busy trying to grab up everybody they could...
Volume III The Yankees won pennants in 1974
and 1976, but no World Series. When Reggie, wanting to stay in ... |
Galactica 1980
TV Series Review
Thunderbirds The Movie
Film Review
Trek: Q & A
Book Review
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 29
November 5th 1956 British and French paratroopers
conduct drops in positions throughout Egypt...
Eagle Land The Mexican-American War was an armed military
conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake
of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 10
At the time of William Samuel Henson’s death ATC
was at the peak of its corporate and financial power...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 30
May 17th 1957 Argentina seeks admission to the
Lira Block...
Target Damascus Part 16 Hubert
Humphrey had set a tall order for himself in the spring of 1968, trying not
only to win election to a full term as president but...
New England July 26 2006 to July 26 1979, Part 4. Who did
JR shoot? that is the question...
United Armenia
The Great War in 1905 Series
Volume I Germany had tried to take control
over Morocco, and the French rebuffed them. Morocco, after all, was in
part of France’s sphere of influence...
Volume II The war aims of each nation had been
somewhat unclear. This had all begun over Morocco, but France wanted
Alsace and Lorraine...
Volume III The Germans attacked France with
full force on New Year’s Day, 1925, driving against them with all their
Volume IV President Hoover had had a hard time
convincing Congress that Germany was a worthy ally. If the Soviets
really threatened Britain in more than their colonies...
November 2007 Edition
Black Widow FINAL Part Emperor Franz
Joseph had just one aim in mind when he began his second war with France:
avenging his sister’s death. Although publicly he insisted Austria was
acting to protect itself...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 27
February 20th 1955 Prototype testing begins on the
next generation of Italian Strategic Bombers...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 9
The Merlin promised to be the most powerful and
effective gasoline engine of its time-- if the engineers who designed it
could just find a way to make it work...
New England July 26 2006 to July 26 1979, Part 3 Our new
series is called Visits from New England. First up, a 44 year-old Rhode
Island resident visited his home in Brooklyn in 1979, shortly after the
Event. Actually it was a little scary...
A Chacun Son Boche Part 3 The German
government was in an awkward position when its diplomatic representatives at
the Geneva peace talks first met with their Allied counterparts at 11:00 AM
London time on December 19th, 1917...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 28
January 27th 1956 Greek troops still loyal to the
Hellenic Council and Italian Blackshirts disperse and arrest rioters and
deserting troops...
The Second Black Plague
From the logbook of the
second New Zealand Special Scientific Expedition to North America, entry
dated January 8th, 1971(continued):
Thank God and all his
angels, our theories about the radio signal were right all along!
Target Damascus Part 15 It was just
after 11:30 AM US Eastern Daylight Time on February 29th, 1968
when President Humphrey withdrew his National Guard bill from Congress. It
simply wasn’t possible, his advisors had told him...
Book Review |
War Series
PROLOGUE The brief Spanish-Moroccan war in the summer of 2002 was
the culminating point in decades of frictions between both countries. What
started as a stupid border incident escalated...
Day 1: July 17th 2002 In an ironical twist of
fate, this war will start in exactly the same place and date than the last
war Spain suffered 66 years before...
DAY 2: JULY 18TH 2002
July 18th has been a significant date in Spanish
life since 1936. That day started the civil war, whose shadow still keeps
haunting Spanish society and politics...
DAY 3: JULY 19TH 2002 Combat keeps raging on
around Ceuta. The numerical superiority of the attackers has pushed the
Spanish into the city, forcing them to abandon their defensive positions at
the outskirts...
DAY 4: JULY 20TH 2002 Despite their air
superiority and some isolated victory like the one at the Battle of Congress
Island, the Spaniards have been losing ground under the steady pressure of
the Moroccan army...
DAY 5: JULY 21st 2002 The Moroccans have lost
the initiative. After losing most of their tanks and best units in the
foiled counteroffensive of past afternoon, and with the Spanish airforce
having control of the skies...
DAY 6: JULY 22nd 2002 Midnight: Hercules Transport planes
start arriving to Fuerteventura Airport. More planes and fighters will
follow in the next hour...
Day 7: July 23rd 2002 1AM: The Moroccan generals had been
preparing the coup for the last two days as a last resort option when they
saw that the Spaniards couldn’t be thrown back to sea but...
October 2007 Edition
September 2007 Edition
Marshal Boulanger and the Great Fashoda War In 1898,
France and Britain came closer to war than anytime since Napoleon to the
present. For almost four months, tensions ran high enough that both nations
actually began military mobilization...
South Side Tragedy Throughout most of
the summer of 1919 the Chicago White Sox had looked predestined to win the
American League pennant; with a pitching rotation that included aces like...
Italy 1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 24
His palm slammed down on the detonator for what seemed like
the hundredth time in those brief seconds and unexpectedly a second later a
bright flash filled the sky and the telltale mushroom cloud...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 7
Though the disintegration of William Samuel
Henson’s business association with Corneilius Vanderbilt marked the end of
an era in aviation history...
New England July 26 2006 to July 26 1979 Part 2 Mount St
Helens erupted right on schedule, at 8:32 AM May 18th. Mandatory evacuations
resulted in no deaths...
Target Damascus Part 13 The tension
inside the Central Committee chamber on the afternoon of January 27th,
1968 was so thick it was almost unbearable. Alexei Kosygin knew that he was
risking his political career...
What, if anything has happened to Pluto? Did the IAU (International
Astronomical Union) really abolish a planet? A lot of hysteria has been
spilled over the IAU action, but I think that much of the concern comes from
not thinking the matter through...
Venceremos Part 18 His second term
secured, Jeb Bush immediately got to work on setting that term’s foreign
policy agenda. High on his priorities list was containing Syria, which under
the dictatorship of Bashir Assad...
Book Review
Blood On The Ice By all rights, the
2018 Trondheim Winter Olympics should have been a spectacular triumph for
Norway: it marked the second time in that country’s history it had hosted
the Olympic Games...
Nightmares of an old man I could hear the screams as we
walked into the Village and the smells were there of burning flesh,
rupturing of guts...
1812: The
Rivers of War
Book Review
June 2007 Edition
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 19
December 30th 1950 The Tunisian Liberation
Organization (TLO) is established. It is made up primarily of
displaced Tunisians and French-Tunisians living in French North
Different Dutch War Part 3 July 6 Churchill urges
Mussolini not to become involved in the war and warns him that any
involvement will be punish hard. Adolf Hitler issues Directive No.13
with the objective is to annihilate...
Jacks and the Beanstalk I saw
some crazy shit go down while I was in ‘Nam, man, but nothin’ crazier
than the day the giant plant popped up out of the ground back in
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 4
"Half a league, half a league, half a
league onward, into the valley of fire rode the six hundred!" It
is one of the most famous poetic lines in the history of the English
Venceremos! Part 15
President Montoya was both
young enough to be physically vigorous and old enough to remember the
days of Castro’s Marxist oppression. That combination lent an added
touch of vitality...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 20
December 4th 1951 Stock Markets crash
worldwide as the prospect of another massive war makes investors
fearful of investment...
The Right Honourable Arnold Hiller, M.P Part 7
commander-in-chief of the French navy, Admiral Jean Darlan, was in
noticeable and understandable distress as he met with his fellow
C-in-Cs at the French defense ministry headquarters...
Target Damascus Part
10 Andrei Grechko was in a foul
mood as he sifted through intelligence briefs and up-to-the-minute
reports on the fiasco unfolding along the Tehran battlefront...
The Second Black Plague Part 3
From the July 10th,
1967 edition of The Age: NZ AUTHORITIES END SEARCH FOR
Four Feet High & Rising
Part 4 Bad luck often seems to
be part of the very air that Haitians breathe, and seldom in the past
five-odd decades has that been more apparent than when Hurricane Fiona
rampaged through Haiti... |
Comrade Hitler Part 3 Though
Rohm’s attempt to burn down the Reichstag did not inflict as much
physical damage as it could have, Hitler nonetheless exploited it to
the fullest as an excuse for pushing the Reichstag...
I Am
Become Death Since their
inception in the early 1940s, the objective of the Manhattan Project
and its British counterpart Tube Alloys had been to produce an atomic
bomb for the Allied powers before the Nazis got one first...
RADAR Comes Early
Common knowledge says that Radar was
invented in Great Britain, Germany and the United States in the last
years before World War Two. Common knowledge has it wrong...
MOUNTAIN OF LONG EYES Hegam Kakaichu set
aside the eighth grade homework, glad to be done grading it. He picked
up the day's Arizona Republic to see what news was in the
world. Subconsciously, he stopped thinking of himself as a Tohono
The Second
Battle of Dorking Well, Jane, as you would say, I
guess we all deserved it. I don’t know, of course, what happened to
you, or to the kids. I don’t know if some of the flashes we saw in the
sky years ago were nukes...
Red Dusk
There could hardly have been a more
unlikely battleground in the Cold War than Australia. In fact, it has
for most of its history proven barren soil for those trying to instill
the ideals of Marxism...
Teeth, Dragon’s Claws Part 9
With the Soviet Union and the Cold War both fading into memory, most
Americans, like their Russian brethren, turned their focus from
international crises to domestic issues...
1634: The Bavarian Crisis
Book Review
1634: The Baltic War
Book Review
The Boys #7
Book Review
War of
the Worlds: New Millennium
Book Review |
Please Make Your Comments In
The Discussion Forum!
May 2007 Edition
Venceremos! Part 14
It was no surprise that
Secretary of State Robert Gates and Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld would be at odds over how an occupied Iran should be governed
after Operation Persian Dawn was over...
Common Cold Well, we’ve had our election for leader
of the Party and, as I’m sure you know by now, Ramsay lost to old
Clynes. It wasn’t the most inspirational of occasions...
Comrade Hitler Part 2
The first cracks in the
Hitler-Liebknicht partnership appeared at the KPD’s annual party congress
in Munich in September of 1924, when Hitler gave a speech to party
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 17
December 28th 1947 Emperor Victor Emanuel
III passes away. His son Umberto is set to succeed him and become
Emperor Umberto II...
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 3 In early
April of 1854, shortly after the Crimean War had broken out, a senior
Royal Army official approached William Samuel Henson with an urgent
POISON FRUIT Yeah, okay, I
messed up, I know it. Whatta ya want, I'm one of the Fallen Ones, so
you expect perfection? If I was perfect would I be a Fallen One? Gimme
a break!
The Second Black Plague Part 2 From the July 8th,
SHIP. From the July 13th, 1965 Irish Times...
As historian Alan Sked noted, historians are particularly inclined to
consider the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in counterfactual
terms.1 In particular they are prone to ponder the
"what ifs?" of Hapsburg history...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 18
May 5th 1949 The Council of Europe is
founded. It consists of all the democratic nations of Europe except
for Switzerland...
Bear’s Teeth, Dragon’s Claws Part
8 By the time North
and South Vietnamese negotiators met in mid- January of 1989 to begin
resolving the final terms for Vietnam’s reunification...
England July 26 2006 to July 26 1979 July 26th
2006, 12:00 am. Something doesn't look
right. After that strange lightening storm, the lights in New York are
The Right Honourable Arnold Hiller, M.P Part 6
first air raid sirens in Paris sounded just after 8:15 PM on the night
of September 1st, 1937. It was not the first time Parisians
had heard those sirens, nor would it be the last ...
Target Damascus Part 9
It started very small and
spontaneously for the most part, so much so that even some of the
protestors themselves didn’t know...
Se7en Years Series
Year Zero
The main cause of the Seven Years or the
Tribulation, which many prefer to call it, was the Gulf War II of
2003. Looking back now, over the last few decades, one can see
that the world was truly and bitterly divided...
Year One
The year began, as had thousands before it, not
knowing what was in store for the Human race. There was no hint
that dark storm clouds were off in the distance as the planet
began a new year...
Year Two
If the previous year was anything to judge by, then
one may have thought that things could only get better. Relations
between nations & people had become strained to say the least...
Year Three
If the world had not already dramatically
changed in the few previous years, soon it would do so in an
almost instant fashion. Events would soon unfold which would
ensure that wars...
Year Four
The year began with a continuation of where
the Russian-Iran war ended in the previous year - a stalemate.
Both sides, it seemed, had already grown tired of the war...
Year Five
In a way nothing short of the miraculous, the after
effects of The First World Nuclear War appeared to be not as
disastrous as first thought...
Year Six
By the time the French government, on New Years
Day, announced its reaction to the recent events in Britain,
France was in chaos...
Final Year
Before any announcements or declarations could be
made by anyone, fighting had broken out in Jerusalem between
American & Israeli armed forces...
Four Feet High & Rising
Part 3 Since 2029
there have been at least twelve separate investigations into the
communications breakdowns that led to the massive casualties...
Drop by the
Changing The TimeS
Please Make
Your Comments
April 2007 Edition
Comrade Hitler
Up until the fateful
moment in 1918 when he was gassed on the Western Front, everything in
Adolf Hitler’s political development had been steering him in the
direction of ultraconservatism...
The Second Black
Plague From an AP
dispatch out of Rome dated February 25th, 1964: Italian
medical authorities have ordered a hotel in downtown Rome placed under
quarantine after four of its guests were admitted to a local
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth Part 2
One of the first things Henson
did following Vanderbilt’s arrival from America was to give him a
demonstration of how the Icarus worked. Though the test
flight wasn’t much longer than the historic one...
Bear’s Teeth, Dragon’s Claws Part
7 News of the
forthcoming Sino-American talks was greeted cautiously in many
quarters on both sides of the Pacific. Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong
were, after, diehard ideologues...
Venceremos! Part 13
News of the Iranian
army’s defeat at Abadan struck the Tehran government like a
sledgehammer. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his top military advisors had
been certain their troops
would emerge victorious...
Target Damascus Part 8
It took at least a
month for the National Guard and reserve units called up by President
Johnson to deploy to their assigned bases in Iran. During that time,
Soviet expeditionary forces...
Four Feet High & Rising
Part 2 South Florida
has always been a hotbed of racial, political, and social tensions,
but in the summer of 2028 things were particularly tense...
Please Make
Your Comments
The First
Term of Richard Nixon 1960 was as much of a
toss-up dead heat election as 2000. There was less screaming because
the candidate the media loved, Camelot Jack Kennedy, won the coin toss
instead of a Republican...
Italy 1936 - An
alternate Italian history of World War II Part 16
Negotiations between Yugoslavian communists and the Soviet Union break
down when the Soviet agents impose harsh demands for any communist
state to be established in the Balkans...
A Different Dutch War Part 2
The British destroyer
Afridi is bombed and sunk in the North Sea, while escorting a troop
convoy from England to Norway survivors are pick up by a Dutch
destroyer. French and British complete a plan that would mean that if
Italy joins the war with Germany...
The Right
Honourable Arnold Hiller Part 5
Anyone who had made even a
cursory study of Arnold Hiller’s political career could have predicted
that he would react badly to the news of Australia and New Zealand’s
declaration of independence from Britain...
Blood, Sweat and Arrogance:
The Myths of Churchill's War
Book Review
Armageddon Reef Book
Drop by the
Changing The TimeS
March 2007 Edition
Slipping The Surly Bonds Of Earth
In June of 1844, during her
seventh year as monarch of the British Empire, Queen Victoria invited
inventor William Samuel Henson to meet with her that July to discuss
his work in developing a practical flying machine...
A Different Dutch War
September 1 1939 Germany invades Poland.
November 6 A high ranking Dutch officer informs the Dutch government
that Germany has plans to
invaded Holland in the end of 1939...
The Right
Honourable Arnold Hiller, M.P Part 4
After he first
arrived in Washington to serve as Hiller’s ambassador to the United
States, James Riverton had developed a rapport with President Herbert
Tickle a Sleeping Dragon Defeat – humiliating
defeat – in the Sino-Japanese War spurred the then Emperor, Guangxu,
to order what became the Chinese Reform Movement...
Four Feet High & Rising
It was the worst storm to
hit the continental United States since Hurricane Katrina. It tore the
heart out of two major US cities...
Venceremos! Part 12
From the second the first
bodies were pulled out of the rubble of the World Trade Center there
were suggestions that a rogue state had a hand in the 9/11 attacks...
Bear’s Teeth, Dragon’s Claws Part
6 Though there were
no further major offensives by either the PLA or the Red Army after
the Geneva cease-fire talks resumed, tactical ground assaults would go
on for the rest of the Manchurian War...
Target Damascus Part 7
Even after giving the
order for IDF troops in the Golan Heights to hold their positions,
Prime Minister Eshkol still had doubts that he was doing the right
Updated German article
Changing The TimeS
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Your Comments
Italy 1936 - An
alternate Italian history of World War II Part 14
April 4th 1945 Italy pulls the Blackshirts from front-line
duty in Austria to prevent another incident where they are mistaken
for members of the SS...
Italy 1936 - An
alternate Italian history of World War II Part 15
September 2nd 1945 The surrender documents between Japan
and the United States are signed on the battleship Missouri...
Military Histories of
AH Beasts of War Series
The Royal Canadian
Mounted Grizzlies
Of all the oddities of war, no other animal can truly claim the
ultimate prize other than the North American Grizzly Bear...
The Union’s Screaming
Eagles The origins of the United States
of America’s historic Screaming Eagles squadrons laid in their
experience and aftermath of the War of 1812...
Those Magnificent Roo’s
The Kangaroo Infantry Battalions of the
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) remains one of the
great innovations in modern warfare. But they did not originally
fight for the British...
Last Charge of the Zulu
Rhinos Prince Dabulamanzi kaMpande glanced over
the field of victory with much reflection. The bodies of around
600 British soldiers, along with a similar number of their horses,
littered the ground around his vantage point...
Killing Machine
Book Review
The Authority
(V4 #2)
Book Review
Marvel Civil War –
Book Review
February 2007 Edition
Right Honourable Arnold Hiller, M.P Part 3
Ireland greeted Arnold Hiller’s
accession to the prime minister’s position with trepidation, if
not outright alarm. In My Fight he had denounced the Irish Free
State as “a spear aimed at England’s vitals”...
Armenia Miatsyal Hayastan What if …
the Armenian genocide had not been what it was in OTL: a Turkish
success? The Turks and their Kurdish accomplices bled Armenia nearly
to death by it and could finally mutilate her to a territory around
Yerevan – about a tenth of historic Armenia...
In 1916, the United States did not intercept the
Zimmerman note, and continued to intrude in Northern Mexico, driving
the Carranza government to declare war upon the United States and
start the Second Mexican War...
SATISFACTION Greg was depressed. He
hadn't had a date in six months (and that one was a disaster).
His job, to be kind about it, sucked. The pay sucked.
The hours sucked. And his boss sucked worse than any vampire...
Teeth, Dragon’s Claws: Part 5 In
early September of 1968 the Red Army high command began laying the
foundations for what would be remembered as the most important
Soviet land campaign of the Manchurian War...
ANGLO-FRENCH WAR OF 192? While this fact
is often forgotten because of the century of Anglo-French alliance
recently celebrated in 1904, the "ancient antagonism between
Britain and France revived very soon...
Damascus: Part 6 The first sign Soviet
commanders had that their airborne assault on the IDF rear flank in
the Golan Heights might not go off as planned came when
anti-aircraft batteries on the Israeli side...
Part 11 For President Gore the
Buddhist temple fundraiser scandal-- or “Templegate”, as it was
quickly dubbed by an American media deep in love with Watergate
analogies --couldn’t have come at a worse time...
The TimeS
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II
11 July 4th 1943 Operation
Citadel begins with Army Group Center advancing toward Mozhaysk. The
Germans have committed over 900 thousand men and 3,000 tanks to the
success of this operation...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 12
January 5th 1944 Field Marshall Rommel is
relieved of command of his forces on the Eastern Front after
refusing to issue numerous orders sent by Hitler. He is reassigned
to France and is put in charge of the construction and operation of
the Atlantic Wall...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 13
September 19th 1944 The Soviet Union
and Finland sign an armistice putting an end to the Continuation
Trek Part I Ship’s
Log; Star Date 2455.132. The Enterprise has experienced some form of
time anomaly. Mr Spock is currently conducting tests to see what
happened. According to the ship’s clock, we have travelled back in
time to somewhere in the late 1990s...
Trek Part II Ship’s
Log; Star Date 2455.139. Mr Scott’s repairs to the ship has
ensured that we are at maximum efficiency. Mr Spock , likewise, had
been at his efficient self assuring me that his modification to the
scanners will allow us to identify the cause...
of Time, Book 3)
Book Review by
Chris Nuttall
Book Review by
Thomas Wm. Hamilton
Please Make
Your Comments
January 2007 Edition
Southern Cone Argentina and Uruguay are much more
developed and stable countries today than they have been in OTL. The fact
is, the British have been able to make settler countries like Canada, the
US, or Australia more developed in a way that other European powers
Quartz Goes Ahead After
the Lancaster House agreement and its provisions for an election in
Rhodesia involving Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe (African Nationalist
Guerrilla leaders backed by Russia and China respectively), the spectre of
one of these individuals gaining power in Rhodesia became a possibility...
previous essay raised the idea that the Soviet Union had a narrow
but real window of opportunity to set its economy on a different,
more viable course during Khrushchev’s tenure as its leader, one
that was cut short by the Cuban Missile Crisis...
year the world went intent of self destruction As
the USA remembered the day it had become independent the
intelligence community was on the edge. All indicators showed that
the North Korean dictatorship intended to test it’s missile
Teeth, Dragon’s Claws Part 4 From the
beginning Soviet authorities in Moscow smelled a rat when it came to
the pro-Chinese rebellion that had abruptly broken out in the Lake
Hyargas region of Mongolia...
Sand, Pacific Sky Part II Obersturmbannführer
Otto Skorzeny stood by a mass grave at the edge of the airfield lost in
his thoughts. The invasion had been an utter blood bath...
Part 10 Technically, the state of war which was
declared between North Korea and the United Nations when the Korean War
began in 1950 is still in effect...
Book Review
Please Make
Your Comments
point of divergence virtually ignored by writers of alternate
history is the Cold War, and in particular the way that the
five-decade global conflict came to an end...
In The Heart of Texas When the 1986 National
League Championship Series began, most people expected it to be a
cakewalk for the New York Mets...
if Rome had never fallen to the hands of the barbarians? When
Emperor Augustus died in 14 AD he left behind to his successor Tiberius a
powerful empire with strong natural borders and a powerful army some 20
legions strong ready to repulse any barbarian invasion...
Lunar Dream People
are greedy. Let's take that as an assumption and work from there,
OK? Now, I know there's a lot of people in this room who'd disagree
with me on this. And that's a good thing, because...
Children 1893: An accident in Nikola
Tesla’s lab causes one of his assistants to gain the control of
electricity. The assistant becomes the first superhuman under the
name the Human Dynamo. Tesla begins further research into creating
Damascus Part 5 The commanding general of
the Soviet expeditionary force to Syria was alarmed by the latest
intel he was receiving from his aides...
SEVENTY-THREE In the 1973 Arab-Israeli War the Egyptian and
Syrian armies initially won considerable successes against Israeli
forces. Indeed, it is widely believed that the Israeli government
felt pressured to resort to nuclear weaponry to salvage the
situation, but...
Right Honourable Arnold Hiller, M.P Part 2 On
April 17th, 1932, Arnold Hiller went on the BBC to make
what he called "an address on a topic of the gravest national
Movie Script
War #6
Book Review
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 6
January 4th 1942 The Russian Baltic
Fleet departs from Leningrad steaming south trying to catch the
Kriegsmarine in port...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 7
May 6th 1942 Tanks and Infantry
advance into Sofia and though many of the inhabitants are on the
brink of starvation the defense mounted is strong...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 8
July 15th 1942 The Turkish front
shrinks as Turkish troops are forced to fall back. They put up a
strong fight but...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 9
September 10th 1942 A rebuilding
and industrialization campaign is authorized in the newly acquired
territories. The first priorities are the construction of roads...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II Part 10
December 12th 1942 The Soviets
conduct the first phase of Operation Saturn. Two soviet armies smash
into the German flanks outside Moscow...
Lunar Dream Part II Bryan Logan was
really getting to hate Luxembourg. Well, only in the technical
sense; Charlotte was only in Luxembourg as a bribe, in order to
maintain ESA funding...
year the world went intent of self destruction Part II
The European union decides to leave
Afghanistan. Making an agreement with neighbouring countries and
Russia they regroup all of their forces in Kabul from where they
begin a massive air evacuation of all civilian and military
personnel in the country...
Project Saucer
Book Review
The Boys
Book Review
of Victory
Book Review
TV Series Review
December 2006 Edition
Right Honourable Arnold
Hiller, M.P For almost a century, one of the most popular
topics of speculation among historians has been how the years
between the end of World War I in 1918 and the atomic bombing of
Madrid in 1945...
From Hell: Documents from the War The
following is an excerpt from the St. Louis Times-Dispatch
best-selling book, Dispatches from Hell: Documents from the War.
Dispatches, published by Dark House Press, goes behind the scenes of
the early days of the War, giving readers a never-before-seen look
at newly discovered documents...
Part 9 Even as the
last shots were being fired in the Persian Gulf, the Bush
Administration had already started waging a secret but no less
significant campaign against the forces of Somali insurgent warlord
Mohammed Farah Aidid...
Ending War Part 2 1928- British and
American troops begin arriving in Norway. German airships and naval
transports begin ferrying German and allied troops into southern
Sweden. France launches a new offensive on the Western Front to help
the Scandinavians out...
Damascus Part 4 July
13th, 1967 will be long remembered as one of the darkest
days in the history of the Israeli armed forces. That afternoon,
Soviet armor and infantry detachments backed up by Syrian infantry
troops inflicted a severe defeat...
Click Here
Almost Certain Victory The Great War, as
it has been often called, has not been a great stamping ground for
alternate history. To some extent, the popular perception of the war
– essentially as a bloody pointless slaughter – has helped; it
seems unlikely that much can actually change in the war itself....
Dream So, there I am, working with the
*BIG* Tesla coil, the conjugate mirror and the ferrite-array
phase-shift module, when there's a loud POP and FLASH...
(Almost) Happened Here Part 10 One
Irish soldier on the sands of Normandy on D-Day would have been bad
enough as far as their German defenders were concerned-- the sight
of an entire division of them slogging up Omaha Beach side by side
with the Americans constituted a nightmare...
Goodness Sake, No More European Empires 1856:
The Central American nations unite and form the United Provinces of
Central America. This act was to protect themselves from imperialism
of the United States and the European powers. They win their first
victory against the filibuster William Walker...
Longest War In the valley lay a naked
body. His clothes rested off to one or the other side and all he
could do was lay there. Ragged bullet holes lanced through skin that
was like leather, all tough and unbending but after some work would
be comfortable...
Semper Tyrannis Germaniae Part 8 The last
fragments of the wartime partnership between the USSR and the West
were shattered the day Stalin made his vehement charges about
alleged American plots to isolate the Soviet sector of Berlin from
the rest of Germany...
Teeth, Dragon’s Claws Part 3 It
was just past 10:00 AM Moscow time on March 3rd, 1967
when Soviet battlefield radars in the Khabarovsk area picked up the
approach of the Chinese strike aircraft which Red Army troops had
been warned would be coming that day to drop mustard gas bombs on
their positions... |
1936 - An alternate Italian history of This timeline is a
"what if," on what if Mussolini was a smarter, shrewder
politician in the realm of international relations from 1936
onwards. The point of divergence is the conquest of Ethiopia by
Italian forces on May 5th 1936...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of The Vatican issues a Bull
condemning the Nazi subjugation of good Catholic people in Western
and Eastern Europe. It goes on to condemn the Nazi especially the
Catholics and states that they must reconsider what it means to be
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II (Part 3) Despite heavy air
bombardment 2nd army’s advance has been halted as they
attempted to enter into Serbia proper...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of For the second time in two
months Italy launches a massive offensive into the heart of the
Slavic lands. Four spearheads stream westward towards Bulgaria as
the Bulgarian defenses collapse into retreat. The 2 armies and 2
corps make massive progress in the first hours of the assault...
1936 - An alternate Italian history of World War II (Part 5) Great Britain condemns the
invasion of Greece and offers it’s assistance to Greece in
repelling the Turkish invaders. The Saydam government is shocked by
this British response. They believed the British government to be
impotent and would not attempt to interfere in any Balkans affairs...
Gate/Hell Hath No Fury
Book review
Don't Forget To
Your Comments
November 2006 Edition
Lorraine Project Vol I It all began with
another 'local difficulty' in Central Africa. Many fled, gathered
across three borders in make-shift and increasingly insanitary
camps. Inevitably, disease and malnutrition ran ahead of the limited
Death of Göring and the Victory of the Luftwaffe Vol I
The Luftwaffe – German Air Force - was
officially formed in May of 1935, even though it had existed in some
form more or less since being banned by the Versailles Treaty as
first Freikorps air formations...
HIS OWN RIGHT IV Vol I The Premier of Translyvania, Gheorge
de Basesti, had risen from being an outcast and traitor under the
old regime, to become one of the most senior officials of the United
States of Austria-Hungary. He had achieved his ambition of equal
rights for all Transylvanians...
(Almost) Happened Here Part 9 For the
beleaguered handful of German troops still on Irish soil, the moment
of final defeat by the Allies was terrifyingly close. Allied forces
now held most of Dungarvan and were making a fierce effort to
capture the rest...
Remember, The Eleventh of November, As a Time of Blood and Death
Australian democracy died, it is probably fair
to say in hindsight, at 11am on 11 November 1975. Although the Prime
Minister at the time, Gough Whitlam, was still alive, he would not
be for long...
Part 8 General Norman Schwarzkopf, overall
commander- in- chief for the UN expeditionary force in the Persian
Gulf, felt a distinct sense of déjà vu as he authorized his ground
and air units...
Clio Dances Vol II Cruising ninety-five
miles off the southern coasts of Indochina at a speed of twenty-five
knots, the futuristic supercarrier launched a flight of four F-35Cs
loaded with two Harpoons each...
Final Countdown Vol II The job was getting to
Admiral Mineichi Koga. It wasn’t the long hours, the impossible
workload, or even the difficulties of dealing with intransigent Army
officers. Those factors could be handled...
Pinnacle of a War 1916 The successful
capture of Vienna, capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was the
result of great planning on behalf of the Allies, along with the
collapse of Austrian forces in Serbia and elsewhere in the
Don't Forget To
Your Comments
readers enjoy thinking of questions such as: What would have
happened if Bismarck had arrived in Brest? or would having the
Tirpitz along have changed anything?
Final Countdown Vol I "So you’re telling
me there’s no way to get home, Mister Lasky?" "Captain,
given the storm we came through the first time, there’s no
guarantee we’d make it back alive...
Australia In a small room in The Lodge,
Canberra, Stanley Bruce, Prime Minister of Australia, leader of the
National Front, the 1st Viscount Melbourne and generally regarded as
an officious, smug, pompous git by all who knew him, lay dying. The
year was 1967...
Clio Dances Vol I When an alliance of Acción
Popular and Integralist guerillas overthrew the American-friendly
Peruvian government in 1972, the Third Reich had sent in two
Fallschirmjager divisions to ensure that there was ‘peace and
stability’ in the country...
Teeth, Dragon’s Claws Part 2 Lyndon
Johnson first learned of the Chinese attack on
Khabarvosk via a coded telex from the US embassy in Moscow. "I
don’t need this s...
Empire Episode #14
Spirit Arc
is your captain speaking. We are starting our descent to Yukutsk
International Airport in just a few moments...
Semper Tyrannis Germaniae Part 7 The first
air raid sirens in Kokura went off just before 12:10 PM local time,
sending hundreds of people scrambling to reach the nearest shelters.
As it turned out, though, they might have done better to stay
Lorraine Project Vol II After coffee, I
made my excuses, left Pete in the Café, went back to my room. I
stripped, emptied my valve, locked through and emerged as Rhys. Her
lighter bag held only baby cream, talc and body wash...
HIS OWN RIGHT IV Vol II As President
Albert Beveridge looked over his capital at the end of 1920 from the
site of the Lincoln Memorial, he recognised that he may be the last
President of the United States. The Cascadians had been bought off
by the British taskforce...
Dismissal: Why Gough Whitlam Couldn’t Simply Say No I
am quite sure by the time some even finish the end of this
paragraph, they may think that I am some crazy left-wing Australian
unworthy of breathing their oxygen...
Authority #1
WAR #5
Sand, Pacific Sky The four Standardpanzer E-50s
drove forwards past the wrecks of half a dozen Crusaders and four
Grants… the Panzer’s work of the last few hours. Following close
on their heels was a company of PanzerGrenadiers…
of New Israel In 1530 David Braham, the son of a
prominent Jewish rabbi, has a vision in which Moses tells him that
he must lead the Jews across the ocean to the New World, and found
the second Israel...
Damascus Part 3 The mood inside the
Kremlin walls on July 8th, 1967 was grim to the point of
melancholy. Operation Scirocco, the Soviet battle plan for driving
the Israelis out of Syria, was in danger of falling apart...
Death of Göring and the Victory of the Luftwaffe Vol II In
the latter part of the summer of 1940, Luftwaffe was once again
armed to the teeth and ready to rumble. New deadly weapons –
especially bigger cluster bombs and much heavier ordinary bombs...
War Part 2 1852 brought yet another
three-way election as the American Party tried to capitalize on its
growing success in the agrarian West and a few other states.
However, by and far the nation did not accept its agenda...
Context Problem
a novel by
a novel by
Boys #4
October 2006 Edition
Teeth, Dragon’s Claws The
air in Odessa, Ukraine on the morning of April 24th, 1965
was gloomy— and not just because of the typically damp, chilly
spring weather or the grief Odessa’s citizens felt over the
passing of native son and World War II hero Radion Malinovsky the
previous day...
Part 7 In
geopolitics, as in show business, timing is crucial— and the
CPSU’s timing couldn’t have been worse in appointing Konstantin
Chernenko to succeed Yuri Andropov as party First Secretary...
(Almost) Happened Here Part 8 Despite
starting the war at a distinct disadvantage against the United
States, Japan had so far enjoyed remarkably good luck-- so much so
that the government came to believe its own propaganda when it
boasted that the Japanese home islands would never be threatened...
Semper Tyrannis Germaniae Part 6 On March
3rd, 1945 Robert Oppenheimer and his colleagues gathered
at a sheltered observation spot near the Trinity test site; though
little if anything was known about what would happen when their
experimental atomic device was set off...
German article
at the
(Movie Script)
Hitler tries the Mediterranean strategy In
the late spring of 1941, many people in Germany and elsewhere
thought that Hitler (after having conquered Yugoslavia, Greece and
Crete and with Rommel advancing in Egypt) would try to further
proceed in this area, i.e. conquering Malta...
The Confederacy Could Have Survived The War There
has been, in history and alternate history circles, many arguments
and scenarios on how the Confederate States of America could have
won the Civil War. We hear great tales of Confederate victories at
Gettysburg, for example, or indeed even at Antietam...
Ending War Part 1 What if World War I never
1914- The
Great War begins with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
Stalemate continues on western front with no movement whatsoever and
huge losses of life.
Damascus Part 2 As twilight settled over
Tel Aviv late on the evening of June 13th, prime minister
Levi Eshkol and his cabinet met in special session to take stock of
the situation on the Syrian front. For the most part, the news was
Don't Forget To
Your Comments
WAR #4
by Mark Millar
Book Review
by Robin Lewis
Red Son
by Mark Miller
Book Review
by Alasdair Czyrnyj
September 2006 Edition
(Part 6) When
Cyrus Vance and President Carter asked Robert Kennedy to accompany
them to Beijing for Carter’s historic October 1977 summit with
Chinese head of state Deng Xiaoping, Kennedy didn’t hesitate to
say yes...
If I could find a good
parallel to the wank scenario, it would be the Mary Sue, if look
closely you can find a lot of resemblance. Both are mostly fantasy
made by the author...
Works Part II Hendriks was
having difficulty performing his normal duties as POTUS, as his
concern with the Project continued to push itself into the forefront
of his mind...
(Almost) Happened Here (Part 7)
As the advance units
participating in Case Torch mounted their initial attacks against
Kilkenny just after 6:30 AM on June 22nd, General
Heinrici still felt a nagging sense of unease...
vs. Rome 1776: American
republic established. 1803-1853: After American Revolution the US
expands west to the Pacific Ocean and south to the Gulf of Mexico...
Works Part III The Prime
Minister does not, as most Americans believe, head the Canadian
Government, although in a practical sense the PM does oversee the
daily governing of the nation...
Potter An ASB,
finding that the Harry Potter-verse is lacking of meaningful
victories for the forces of darkness, decide to shake things up a
Temptation of Reggie Smithers The
Devil was sitting on the end of Reggie Smithers bed. When Reggie had
woken in the darkness of his bedroom he knew immediately that
something was amiss...
Sealion and Beyond Adolf
Hitler attempts to overthrow the government and is soundly defeated.
In the confusion, a man called Kreigslieter saves his life...
and the Chamber of Sikh Ritz
(Movie Script) |
opened with the dissolution of the Balkan League. Since the end of
the Balkan War, the League had stood its ground against the threat
of the Ottoman Empire, but there no longer seemed a continued need
for its operation...
Uganda Volume I The
POD for this timeline is that the Seventh Zionist Congress votes in
1905 to accept the British Uganda Plan as a temporary refuge for
Jewish refugees fleeing from Russian persecution...
still the merry Soviet Union, the workers' paradise...Stalin still
rules the nation, albeit more paranoid as the Kappists are arming
anyone and their brother willing to fight the communists...
Semper Tyrannis Germaniae Part
5 There were more than just
military and political considerations at work in the decision to
continue with the Manhattan Project even though Nazi Germany was on
the verge of final collapse...
Uganda Volume II 1953
saw the establishment of the Grand Army, drawn from the military of
the different nations of the Federation...
Forget To
Your Comments
Boys # 2
Book Review
Book Review
by the
Empire Series
of the In the 19th
century, China went through a crisis that seriously weakened its
society and political system.
Tales of the
Superpower Empire
WE FORGET What? Speak up, son. Mi
hearing’s not war it was. What? Oh? Aye, why not?
JOINER It was damp in the shadow of
the squat crates stacked high by the warehouse...
Kaifeng Captain Hiroshi
Neji looked across the turbid waters of the Yellow River...
A New Year and New Year’s
resolutions. I have decided to start a blog, to try something new...
(March, 1922) It was 3 PM
when I finally arrived at the train station at Kulakovskij Prospekt...
Thousand Iron Phoenixes Almost
all of us are gone now, dead of old age, which is the one way of
Reporter Looks Back on Two Decades of Change Edward
Girardet, a U.S.-born journalist, writer, and producer based in
Incident at Saint Andrew’s In
1926, I was twenty-two. Still young and idealistic enough to see a
life stretching out ahead of me...
of Ma Tan I decree
that I am now sick of these trains. They remind me of the jails they
now have in my own village...
yesterday’s special Royal Gazette’s announcement of the 2549 B.E.
Decree of the Dissolution...
Incident at Saint Andrew’s: Part 2 In stark
contrast to the warmth of the priest’s temporary study, the main
building was almost as cold...
Valley Spirit One can walk
in the shadows for his entire life, knowing not the light or the
TALE The pale gray
clouds of the early morning hung over Kulinda... |
August 2006 Edition
HIS OWN RIGHT Book One Theodore Roosevelt,
President of the United States, felt the victory coming long before
the dispatches reached him...
Many Names of Armoured Cruiser "BUGSUK" At
the turn of the century, nearly all the world’s navies were
experiencing a massive increase in both growth and funding...
Oblong Box He had gone with the oblong box
directly from headquarters to the airport, his car passing swiftly
through the streets of the darkened capital escorted by two
motorcycle outriders...
short history of the UNA The United Nations of
America, as they are known in the English North American writings,
are presently one of the richest and most developed countries in the
War As the relations between the US and France
worsen, news of this diplomatic insult shocks the United States.
Privateer combat intensifies along with American outrage at this new
Triumphant An ASB, stumbling on the Drakaverse in
the 1930s, changes the dynamics of how that universe work. Rather
than it being anything goes for the Draka...
TV comedy series
Season One
First Half
The Second American Civil War
by Chris Nuttall
By David Dvorkin
(Book review)
The Boys #1
(Book review)
Semper Tyrannis Germaniae Part 4 The Nazis had no
need to conjure up imaginary ghosts as Halloween 1944 grew near;
there were more than enough real terrors to haunt them...
World If you haven’t been watching
Doctor Who (2006), you will probably be unaware that four out of
thirteen episodes of the second season featured an alternate
Kapp Putsch After considerable internal debate,
the Freikorps fully support the Kapp Putsch, and successfully
capture the government of the Weirmar Republic before they can issue
the call for a general strike...
Intervention Part III The CoN had an early
advantage here, as their strategic assets were all closer to the
border than their PAC counterparts. Strategic bombers were already
fuelled and in the air in seconds...
HIS OWN RIGHT BOOK TWO - Volume Two While the tradition was for
much celebration on 4 July and still is to this day, the 134th
anniversary of the foundation of the Union was a dark chapter in the
history of the United States...
Forget To
Your Comments
of EVIL Part II
AH Comedy
Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America’s Destiny
By Patrick J. Buchanan
(Book review)
WAR #3
(Book review)
by the
Blood: Prologue Sub
- Lieutenant Edward Goodwin dragged himself up… how he had got
himself into this mess?
Blood Admiral Sir Tom Philips surveyed the
scene from the bridge of HMS Prince of Wales. No one knew how
the three strange ships had got there...
HIS OWN RIGHT BOOK TWO - Volume One While the violence continued
to afflict the European continent, Since the September 1906 invasion
of Cuba, there had been considerable debate...
of Triangle Some time ago, before Paregoric
became what it is today, there was a village called Parse. It had
been founded along the Penn Stream ...
Part 5 On November 21st, 1964
the US Congress authorized President Johnson to begin deploying
combat troops to South Vietnam. The initial contingent was to
consist of 200,000...
(Almost) Happened Here Part 6 At 5:37 AM Berlin
time on the morning of March 16th, 1941, the Bismarck
left Kiel on what would turn out to be its final run as part of the
Seebrücke convoy...
What can I say of the same girl that met me at the W
& L? She is Phillipino-Korean. She is Chinese as well...
TV comedy series
Season One
Second Half
World Hitler Never Made: Alternate History and the Memory of Nazism
(Book review)
Neumann's War
by John
Ringo & Travis S. Taylor
(Book review) |
July 2006 Edition
Day. An annual problem. What to get her? Let's see, her house was
paid off thirty years ago, so there is surely nothing she needs for
the home. Every time I've ever sent her a food gift she's found
something wrong with it--too fattening, not her taste, wrong brand,
tasted "weird", spoiled, whatever...
(Almost) Happened Here Part 5
Almost from the minute
Japan had declared war on the United States two days after the 1940
sinking of the USS Reuben James, both sides had known that sooner or
later the issue of whose navy would dominate the Pacific would force
a showdown...
E - Apocalypse World As
far as can be determined, the genesis of World War Three lay in the
Polish Uprising of 1980. The Polish underground had in fact managed
to acquire quite a commanding position within the citizens (the
Communist party was literally being ignored), in effect making it
the real government of Poland...
The Skies Ernst
Woehller, engineer and Captain in the Luftwaffe, the air force of
the German Third Reich, sat in the hot and humid atmosphere of the
basement of the a non-descript Berlin office building. He was
focusing intently on the plans laid out on the table in front of
Elevation -- Fire! Anybody
interested in what's going on in the world soon gets snowed under
with a mass of information. Most of it just flows by but some of it
sticks, according to what interests the individual...
Fury The one major
Iraqi offensive into Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War was a very
limited attack against R’as al-Khafij, a town south of occupied
Kuwait. The cowardliness of the Saudi forces holding the town
allowed Saddam’s forces to occupy the town, which the Saudis took
very personally...
Semper Tyrannis Germaniae - Part 3 A
mood of euphoria bordering on religious rapture took hold of
Parisians as the fabled bells of Notre Dame Cathedral began ringing
at five minutes past noon on August 15th to signal that
the City of Lights was at last free from Nazi occupation...
get all sorts coming into a reference library. The clever ones, the
cranky ones, and all too often the weird ones. Libraries seem to
attract the least attractive types, especially the male specimens;
what's really annoying is that so many of the nerds seem to think
that all female librarians are frustrated old maids hiding from real
by John Ringo
Book Review
OF THE EMPIRE - CHAPTER IX Henry was surprised to
find that they all managed to get past the chateau gates without
being shot at. There must be other Germans in the vicinity and some
bright sod should have realised by now that the bridle path was an
obvious line of retreat...
barely felt the mud grab at his feet as he leapt off the path,
pursuing Warwick. As he had learned in the past, during drills on
Royal Navy ships, he forced himself not to look at his watch –
although now it was a fabric-thin chronometer built into the comm on
his wrist...
Failure Part 1 At
the Battle of San Jacinto (April 21, 1836), Santa Anna was not
surprised and Houston was forced to withdraw. The Texans request
help from the United States but they are denied the help as the
United States does not wish to be involved...
Part 4 Around
10:30 AM on the morning of July 7th, the last remaining
Soviet citizens in Cuba, a group of less than two dozen employees of
the official news agency TASS, boarded a freighter in Havana Harbor
to make the journey home...
Works Patrols,
especially the longer ones were always the same, boredom, with the
occasional false alarm to enliven the day. Every mile, every turn,
the same as the last, every single time, the routine of the patrol
never varied, even when it was in a different direction...
Flights' The X
prize was set up to provide an incentive for private companies to
develop space flight. Or, at least, as near to space flight as is
possible for anybody without NASA's budget...
place was dirty and ran-down, covered in carcasses of rusting iron
and concrete that reached out to the grey sky like leprous fingers
of fallen giants. Thin veins of decayed power lines were akin to
wrinkles on the canvas of snow and clouds, left alone in their
magnificent desolation...
& The CTT Axis Of Evil
Part 8 of
Bros. Incorporated
Don't Forget
Make Your
In The
June 2006 Edition - Please comment on the Discussion
some unaccountable reason Henry found the march back to Jennings'
and Parrish's position nerve wracking. Over ground where he had
almost strolled the previous night he now moved with exaggerated
Part 3 It was
just after 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time on the morning of June 15th
when President Kennedy summoned JCS Chairman Taylor, General LeMay,
Defense Secretary McNamara, and CIA director John McCone to his
moved his hand towards the submenu for life support systems, about
to wave a fingertip through the three dimensional, holographic
‘button’. Then he hesitated. "Atmospheric com… there’s
no such thing!"
found the first barricade to his progress about a mile from the
farm, where the narrow road had just begun to rise from the level
ground in the bottom of the valley...
Damascus On
June 5th, 1967, Israel launched a pre-emptive air and
ground strike against Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, and Syria; this attack
marked the start of the Eleven-Day War, a conflict which would
cement Israel’s status as the dominant political and military
power in the Mideast...
Dubya July Christmas Carol
to Bros. Incorporated
The long
lost Christmas Special!
don't forget to make
comments in the
Intervention: post 2029 While
the West Pacific engulfed itself in the most intense conflict of the
new century, the rest of the world turned without much notice from
the participants of either conflict...
there had been bone chilling cold there was now sweat and urgency.
Henry and Reech were working against time to finish laying out the
landing lights for the gliders...
(Almost) Happened Here Part 4
Dawn in most parts
of Ireland is heralded by a rooster’s crow or the ringing of an
alarm clock, but on October 21st in the city of Limerick
it was greeted with the low hum of Wright Cyclone radial engines
followed by the wail of air raid sirens...
Semper Tyrannis Germaniae: Part 2 On
July 25th, five days after Hitler was killed, the Allies
launched Operation Market Garden; three British and four American
divisions, supported by a Canadian infantry division and various
Free French units...
sat astride the Indian trying to make sense of the controls, the hot
engine ticking as it contracted in the cold wind. Left hand twist
throttle, but no gear change mechanism there. So the clutch had to
be the left side rocking foot pedal...
Book One of
Multiverse War
Counterfactual War
Book Two of
Multiverse War
Otherworld War
Book Three of
Multiverse War |
May 2006 Edition - Please comment on the Discussion
Vivian Grafton clicked the remote to mute
her television. Not that she was uninterested in watching the
first lunar landing, but she despised the President, and that
crook was on a split screen talking to the astronauts...
CHAPTER III Good old Rudyard. I wished he'd lived long enough
to see this. But I take your point. It's just as easy to get
things wrong with computers as it is with anything else, perhaps a
great deal more easier...
USA Less World Part 2 In
this TL New York and the rest of New England fall out and bicker
over Vermont and Maine. The new countries have several small
military actions over a period of years, in which NY eventually
comes out on the short end and New England acquires both Vermont
and Maine...
It (Almost) Happened Here
Part 3 What
the men of the American Expeditionary Force to Ireland (AEFI)
lacked in combat experience, they made up for in professional
training and love of country...
Foresight is not
Hindsight The
military mind has been much-maligned, in particular the failure of
various armies to adopt measures that – in hindsight – would
have won the war earlier...
Venceremos! Part 2
Like swarms of
locusts, the F-100s and F-8U Crusaders started descending on
Santiago de Cuba, unloading bombs wherever any military or
industrial targets were found...
A USA Less World Part 3
As 1914 dawns the European alliance situation is pretty much the
same as OTL. The butterflies flapping around this USA Less World
have not really started to impact Europe proper that much...
The Kaiser Tank –
A Short History Of all of the armoured
vehicles in World War Two, the Kaiser ranks with the British
Matilda and the American Sherman as one of the most important and
decisive vehicles of the war...
ACADEMY NSMA arrived in 1770 as a result
of a physics experiment gone awry. As it developed its numbers,
strength, understanding, and influence, it created an entire
Historical Analysis Office...
CHAPTER IV Henry was having a more peaceful life in enemy
occupied France than he'd managed to have in England for the last
few days. Which wasn't really that odd, come to think about it...
WWI and ½ June
28, 1914 Kaiser William II of Germany was at Kiel for
the annual Elbe Regatta. It was a time for yacht races and
celebration. The British had sent a squadron of warships and they
were there as honored guests...
eyebrows might be raised at some of the facts: the oak tree that
had been cut down to provide wood for the desk hadn’t even been
planted yet, indeed the planet on which it had grown had never
been touched by Earth vegetation...
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Germaniae From the moment he first
assumed power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler felt an almost
supernatural certainty that he was destined not only to rule
Germany but to make her the dominant power...

Caledonia Capo
Henril sighed. It was going to be a long day. Even though the
Provisional Government did have the decency to look the other way
on supplies, their insistence on "social donation"
really made it worse...
Episode IV: An Old Doubt
(Movie script)
It is a
time of civil war. The Rebel forces, striking from a secret base,
have won their first victory against the evil BOARDWIDE EMPIRE...
Episode V: The Empire Kicks Arse
(Movie script)
It is a
dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Tsar has been
destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their
hidden base...
- Episode VI: Upturn of the Kitjedi
(Movie script)
Slywanker has returned to his home planet of Arrakisimeantatooine
in an attempt to rescue his friend Floid Lonely from the clutches
of the evil gangster Santa the Fatt...
An Introduction to Planetary Defense
Book Review
Book Review
Princess of Wands
Book Review
April 2006 Edition - Please comment on the Discussion
SEAT OF LEARNING (tm) The teacher smiled, and said,
"Good Morning, class." Most of the children responded,
"Good Morning, Ms. Rasmussen." Eddie Fenim stood up and hit the
boy sitting in front of him on top of his head...
OF THE EMPIRE - CHAPTER I Suppose the transistor had
been invented in the United Kingdom in 1937, instead of in the United
States in 1947?
Weapons, Different Wars Actually
just one musket ball could have changed everything. In the southern
colonies in 1780 one Major Ferguson was killed in combat with American
forces. Lets say that the bullet hit a tree instead...
It was in 2007 that the newly installed Indonesian
military government faced despair. There seemed to be no hope of
recovering from the economic shambles left by the deposed civilian
Part 3 It was far larger than the bridges of smaller
Astroforce capital ships, even proportionately speaking. Blair Class
battleships had been designed to serve as flagships for the most powerful
non-carrier forces...
Successful Sealion Part 2 The Germans have reluctantly
accepted a provisional British government, under General Fuller, as the
British representative for the surrender terms...
Tale of Two Assassinations Part 2 My main
interest in writing this AH was in exploring the possibility of the
creation of an American dictator. I felt that much like in Germany, the
best and the most likely period of time for this to occur, would have been
between the wars...
The Florida Keys War On the surface it looked like
Cuban Communist overlord Fidel Castro had achieved his greatest political
triumph since his overthrow of the Batista regime two years earlier.
He’d faced down and defeated an attempt by CIA- backed
counterrevolutionary troops...
Rocket Artillery -- if only A few weeks into the war
and the Master Gunner of the British Army is a worried man. The Royal
Artillery is by far and away the most professional arm of the British
Army, but it way below establishment in modern guns...
(Almost) Happened Here Part 2 "Enemy resistance
in Dublin has come to an end…1" Those words were
music to Hitler’s ears; with Ireland’s ancient capital now firmly in
German hands the de Valera government...
OF THE EMPIRE - CHAPTER II The main street of Petty
Bowling hardly seemed big enough to accommodate the half Troop, even when
spread out in tactical formation. At the entrance to the village a wooden
bench was occupied by a dirty looking woman about thirty years old...
Fall of the House of Saud The Saudi Government formally
requests that the US troops be withdrawn from its territory. This is not a
sign of inherent anti-Americanism, as many believed at the time, but a
sign that the Saudi Government was trying desperately to compromise...
Empire’s Fall
Book Review
March 2006 Edition - Please comment on the Discussion
for Patriots. "That's dumb. Napoleon's in France, and
Mozart's in Vienna. How could saving the life of a musician in
Vienna affect what a Frenchman is going to do?"
More Dangerous Hitler Part 5 Hitler was
at first eager to proceed with his next adventures and attack
something or somebody in the spring of 1943...
Successful Sealion A question that has been
asked from time to time is if Operation Sealion, the German
invasion of Britain 1940, could have worked – and, if so, how...
USA Less World Part 1 To
explore the ramifications of our world without the existence of
the USA, first we have to logically find away that the USA would
not have developed as in OTL...
REJECTS FASCISTS The Fascist invasion of
Ethiopia is seen often just as minor development in the events who
take place in Europe and in the East during the Thirties...
at 450 AD By 450 AD, the island of Britannia
was enjoying prosperity through trade agreements with the
Visigoths, as well as wealthy Romans from Gallia fleeing the
recognized the borders of the Free State of Congo in August 1885.
Leopold, king of Belgium...
One Dictator To Another Popular opinion on the
Stalin- Chamberlain- Hitler interactions between 1937-39 see it as
a bargaining contest...
OF KREMLIN Moscow was a city seemingly
permanently covered in gray, damp cloak of fog that never quite
solidified into rain, soaking into every surface...
(Almost) Happened Here When France surrendered
in late June of 1940, it instantly became clear that sooner or
later the Nazis meant to conquer Britain as well...
of Danny Texas We have managed to find our lost
mechanical man. We had to go undercover in this rustic island that
is claimed under the Gaijin Neutral Zone...
MARCHES ON ASMARA Italy took seriously part in
African colony race only in 1885, occupying Massaua on the Red
Sea, at the time held by the Egyptians...
Part 2 The summer glare – it’d been almost
as hot as 2003 – still left its fingerprints on the world, as
the sky glowed an unnatural shade of copper well into the night...
American Caesar Much has been written on the
life of General Douglas MacArthur, from his early career as a
semi-official strike-breaker, to his command of the Filipino
of Darwin Indonesia invades Australia in
January. In a lightning strike, they take Darwin. Their advance is
halted by Australian troops at Katherine...
REIGN OF EDWARD IV The oldest son of Richard,
Duke of York, Edward was eighteen when his father claimed the
English throne from Henry VI...
War of Mexican Intervention In January of 1994,
a Mexican helicopter gunship in Chiapas strafes and kills
Subcommander Marcos and about a dozen other EZLN fighters...
is Always Hope By January 27th 1942
all hope for the Allied forces in the Dutch East Indies seemed
forlorn. The only Island left under Allied control was the tiny
island of Java...
War In 1918, two unnoticed deaths: Adolf Hitler
dies of gas and complications in a German military hospital, and
Josef Visarionovich Stalin dies of typhus during the Russian Civil
of the Industrial Revolution 80 BC. I...
Was Shot After a spell at this dock, the ship
has decided to leave. There was a drumming in the heart. I have
been given leave to dart above deck. It is a great expanse...
COMMER and the Stoned Philosopher (The Movie) The
streets are totally deserted, though lights are on in the houses
and the lampposts illuminate the street...
Long Hard Road
Part 3
The War of
the Worlds
February 2006 Edition - Please comment on the Discussion
- A Teaser In ancient
lore, the Sailor King was on a migration to his Kingdom, which was some
three years distance away to the horizon...
Il Duce In the list of weirdnesses that
make WW2 such fun to play with Italy’s decision to enter WW2 has to
rate up there among the ones where people sit in the early 21st century
scratching their heads going ‘what on earth were they thinking’...
had been done by accident Crewmember Len
Tanaka was sent on a scouting mission. The planet itself was docile,
quiet, with its natives quite amusing to the officers of the Savoy...
More Dangerous Hitler Part 4 By the end
of campaigning in 1941 the German Army is in control of much of the
European Soviet Union. Most of the better parts of the Russian army are
dead or in prison labor camps...
Triumph The effects of the great
Seleucid state caused somewhat of a panic in the hallowed halls of the
Senate. As Seleucia made moves into Greece...
Princely State During the run-up to
Indian independence, the various Princes of India were very worried
about their status, post-Independence...
at Midway Midway is often labeled, incorrectly in my
opinion, the turning point of the Pacific War. It was certainly a
noticeable victory. We lost one carrier. Japan loses four and doesn’t
take the island...
the Flag down A recent Alternate history
story, has Ireland, after a calamity, once again being divided into the
four provinces. We will over look the fact that there are in fact five
divisions of Ireland...
Luna in the Sea of Time In 2350, the Moon is the
capital of the advanced, interstellar Union of Humanity - when suddenly
an unknowable force hurls it back through time to 2006. Aldrin Garrows
can avert the Third World War before it begins. But there are others
with agendas less benevolent ...
of Histories of Our World Whatever
happened to William Speare...
Row in the town: The Easter Rising The
Easter rising is the founding myth of the modern republic of Ireland.
Our Storming of the Bastile: Our declaration of Independence...
American 2002 On March 13, 2002, the
continental (i.e. lower 48 states) USA of that day is switched with the
USA from March 13, 1942...
Warlocks For years, the amateur
occultists Percy Grove and William Hawthorne had tried unsuccessfully to
contact Satan or some of his minions...
of Evil (Second Chance Part 2) Six months after
Britain discovered itself to be in 1940, the war is still raging. From
Norway to France to Algeria to the Middle East to India to Australia,
the British are fighting desperately to hold a thin red line against
Tale of Two Assassinations What
did happen- on Feb. 15th 1933 in Miami Fla., shortly after being elected
President for the first time, an assassination attempt was made on the
life of Franklin Roosevelt...
With the results from California merely
validating what was obvious earlier in the evening, America has
elected Raymond Mulvey, inventor and megabusinessman, as its next
(Fiction) It had occurred to me that she was
a vixen rather than an asp...
of Invasion: Earth Invasion Earth suffered badly from
its pre-show hype, it should be noted. Not unlike Operation Thunder
Child, it was billed as the BBC’s answer to Independence Day...
List of Updates pre 2006